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How the Levels of Testosterone Alter With Age !!

How the Levels of Testosterone Alter With Age !!


How age affects the change in the levels of testosterone? To learn how to put off this decline keep on reading our HealthDiva guide! You might not be aware of the powerful testosterone effects on our minds and bodies. This androgen (hormone) plays a key role in the growth and development of our bodies and also affects our behavior. It is found both in males and females, and is known to affect the muscle mass, energy and sexual vigor. Based on your age and base levels, a decrease in the level of testosterone can produce a great impact on your physical and mental wellness. With a marked reduction in the levels of testosterone by 1% every year after the age of 30, a reduction in this fundamental male hormone is well thought-out as a natural part of the aging process. However when this decrease does begins to occur, which is normal process and what can we do to avoid this change?

How the Levels of Testosterone Alter With Age !!

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How age affects the change in the levels of testosterone? To learn how to put off this decline keep on reading our HealthDiva guide!

You might not be aware of the powerful testosterone effects on our minds and bodies. This androgen (hormone) plays a key role in the growth and development of our bodies and also affects our behavior. It is found both in males and females, and is known to affect the muscle mass, energy and sexual vigor. Based on your age and base levels, a decrease in the level of testosterone can produce a great impact on your physical and mental wellness.

With a marked reduction in the levels of testosterone by 1% every year after the age of 30, a reduction in this fundamental male hormone is well thought-out as a natural part of the aging process. However when this decrease does begins to occur, which is normal process and what can we do to avoid this change?

If you’re searching for making your sexual confidence better and an improved performance in bed, then you’re at the right place. Well, here’s a natural supplement that could reignite your lost sex life. It’s HealthDiva’s Tribulus Terrestris capsule, and it’s projected for males looking to recover the ‘sexual performance of a furious bull’.

Now, let’s see the Testosterone Levels by Age


In the womb, a baby gets exposed to testosterone a number of months prior to their birth and is the driver behind the development of the male sex organs along with how our brains are masculinized. Both male and female babies are projected towards the effects of this hormone together with the female hormone, oestrogen.


A male infant would begin his life with a standard range of testosterone in his system of approximately 10-30 nano-grams per deciliter (ng/dL).


The levels of testosterone in both boys and girls get altered as they develop prior to their age of puberty. In early childhood days, there is slight or no dissimilarity between the genders with both falling into the ‘standard’ range with levels of 7-20 ng/dL. But after the age of 9-10, as the levels of this androgen starts rising in readiness for puberty, boys go through a threefold testosterone enhancement while girls can expect their levels to double.


As boys begin to advance towards puberty, testosterone in the system actual begins to get a boost and the levels can be anything ranging between 7 and 500 ng/dL in an individual aged between 13 and 15. This level gets boosted as we experience the age of adolescence with 16 to 19 years typically having testosterone levels of 200 to 970.

The hormone effects on boys during the phase of adolescence are the most marked and bring about lasting changes such as thickening of the vocal cords and growth of the larynx. This results in effects such as deepening of the voice and is an irreversible side effect of the hormone. Added modifications at this time may also comprise hirsutism and an increase in the muscle mass together with growth of pubic hair and of the genitals. Behavioural alterations may also occur including an enhanced sexual desire, violent behavior and can even have an influence on the way we approach risky circumstances with high testosterone levels in teenagers being blamed for greater risk-taking.

Thirties Onwards

As males hit the age of 30s, the levels starts reducing by an expected average of 1% every year. This may take place earlier or later based on the person. Whatever age this starts, the modification becomes very tough to detect but does have a cumulative effect as you advance through this natural state of deterioration.

Signs of the Decline of Testosterone Levels

As per research studies, the typical normal range for testosterone levels in an adult male is 280 to 1,100 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).

If the following signs occur, that means the levels of testosterone are low in the male:

  • Decreased libido
  • Infertility
  • Difficulties while sleeping
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • A reduction in the frequency of spontaneous erections
  • Low levels of energy or problems getting motivated
  • Reduced bone density
  • Decreased strength
  • Depression or low self-confidence

How can one prevent this decline in the testosterone levels?

Together with an inevitable reduction in testosterone levels owing to age, there are many other factors that has an impact on the production of testosterone. Understanding what can affect your levels can greatly help battle the onset of early decline and even improve your base levels.

Iron Supplements

You must avoid the intake of iron supplements (if you’re taking) as an overproduction of this vital mineral can drain the body’s capacity to form healthy levels of testosterone.

A Good Night’s Sleep

An easy but so efficient is the significance of an uninterrupted quality sleep. Many researchers have found that sleep apnoea may add to the lower testosterone levels by putting off the pituitary gland from activating the production.

Cut Out the Steroids

Anabolic steroids have long been established to bring about a decrease in testosterone level with side-effects ranging from addiction, testicular reduction, erectile dysfunction and a reduced libido. Please follow the other ways for boosting your bodybuilding performance naturally.

Restore your Testosterone Levels with HealthDiva’s Tribulus Terrestris capsule naturally. And see the difference in your lives!!
