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All the Health Perks of Drinking Coffee !

All the Health Perks of Drinking Coffee !


Rightly said by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”! Mostly every dietician or nutritionist makes use of this tag line somewhere or the other in their work profile. It is quite surprising, that thing which was measured worthless and merely for the taste, ends up to be favorable for health. Yes, we are discussing about your favorite drink, COFFEE. Many research studies have integrated its several benefits. Not to forget, Coffee is the 2nd major product traded on Earth. Having the pleasure from your cup of coffee is more than just a matter of liquid meeting tongue. Coffee is really complex chemically and physically, each bean consisting of about 500 aromatic and flavor elements.

All the Health Perks of Drinking Coffee !

Rightly said by Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”! Mostly every dietician or nutritionist makes use of this tag line somewhere or the other in their work profile. It is quite surprising, that thing which was measured worthless and merely for the taste, ends up to be favorable for health. Yes, we are discussing about your favorite drink, COFFEE.

Many research studies have integrated its several benefits. Not to forget, Coffee is the 2nd major product traded on Earth. Having the pleasure from your cup of coffee is more than just a matter of liquid meeting tongue. Coffee is really complex chemically and physically, each bean consisting of about 500 aromatic and flavor elements.

Known Facts about Coffee:

If I am correct, there is always a reason behind anything. There are reasons as well why you drink Coffee, just have a look:

  • It keeps you wide awake.

Coffee is constituted with active component; Caffeine, a known stimulant which works by altering the chemistry of your brain, inhibits the activity of a natural brain chemical that is linked to sleep; and helps you stay alert. Coffee improves diverse facets of brain working including mood, memory, reaction times, vigilance, general mental function as well as energy levels.

  • It tastes good.

The rich, pleasing sensation of Coffee is almost exclusively attributable to the volatile compounds produced when you roast coffee beans.

  • It helps you poop.

Caffeine in Coffee is a mild diuretic, which means that it makes the body expel more liquid than normal and stimulates the colon movements making you poop more. 

  • It helps you get in your senses.

Be a coffee rock star. Fill your cup with all the 5 senses (taste, smell, touch, hearing and sight), and take your pleasure to totally new places.

JUST Make your coffee cup do the talking… Feel me. See me. Hear me. Touch me. 

  • It helps you, to get you your first date or first deal.

Your coffee date is a chance for you to actually get to be familiar with your date, and an opportunity for you to create a great impression and progress to the second date.

Coffee: A Powerhouse of Essential Nutrients

A single cup of coffee comprises of:

  • Sodium, potassium and manganese
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)
  • Magnesium and niacin (vitamin B3)
  • Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)

Although this might not look like a big deal, a majority of individuals get pleasure from several cups per day, allowing these nutrients to promptly add up.

Coffee is a highly accepted drink around the globe that boasts various inspiring health benefits. Not only can your daily coffee cup help you feel more keyed up, improve physical performance and burn fat, it may also trim down your risk of a number of conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease as well as cancer. In fact, coffee may even heighten longevity. 

If you like its taste and accept its caffeine content, don’t be uncertain to pour yourself a cup or more all through the day. Let’s have a quick look on the Coffee’s health benefits:


Some Unknown Facts about Coffee: Keep on reading to know about the unknown health benefits of this warm and energizing drink. How it is good for you?

  1. Coffee Minimizes the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an ailment caused by a greater intake of sugar or glucose in the body. Research studies have demonstrated that a compound present in coffee inhibits a substance in the body named human islet amyloid polypeptide which is the main cause behind the growth of the ailment. Coffee does minimize the risks of diabetes mellitus but still you require being cautious regarding your diet.
  2. Coffee And Liver Health Goes Hand in Hand: Cirrhosis is the final stage of liver damage resulting from factors like hepatitis or alcoholism. A number of studies have proven that coffee can lower this risk up to 80%. And greater chances are for individuals taking four or more coffee cups a day.
  3. Coffee Curtails the Chances of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s: Coffee makes you sharper and smarter, in addition assists you in your old age in order to lower the risk of neurological disorders viz. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It is seen that coffee drinkers curtails the risk of memory loss and dementia. Coffee lowers these risks by 40 to 50%.
  4. Coffee is just good for skin health:

Coffee helps to fight off basal cell carcinoma, which is the most common cancer illness present globally. Coffee drinkers who take three or more cups of coffee a day has a decreased risk of skin cancer up to 20%.

  1. Hearty benefits:

If you take coffee in a moderate amount, you tend to have a lower risk of getting heart attacks or stroke. As coffee is packed with favorable antioxidants, which can lower the risk of stroke up to 10%.

  • Fat Burner:

Caffeine is a great ingredient in almost every available fat-burning supplement. It’s one of the few natural substances identified to help with weight loss. Also, caffeine is known to boost your metabolic rate by 5–15%. 

  • Fights Depression and Makes You Happier:

Depression is a serious mental problem resulting in a significantly condensed standard of living. Studies have found that people who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had 15-20% lower risk of becoming depressed and lesser chances of suicide commits.

  • Curtails the Risk of Certain Types of Cancer:

The world’s leading causes of death is cancer. It is regarded as an uncontrolled cell growth in your body. Coffee seems to be defensive against 2 types of cancer: liver and colorectal cancer. Studies have found that coffee drinkers have up to a 50% lower risk of liver tumor. Similarly, there is a study which demonstrates person those who drank four or more cups of coffee per day had a 15% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

  • Biggest Source of Antioxidants:

Coffee is profuse in powerful antioxidants, and a majority of individuals obtain more antioxidants from coffee as compared to fruits and veggies collectively. Indeed, coffee may be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet. It’s no secret that antioxidants are excellent for you. Antioxidants help to limit the production of free radicals, which have been related to cell degeneration plus a number of fatal disorders. More antioxidants in your diet can limit the free radicals in the body, and also limit your risk of diseases.

  • Black Coffee Wards Off Tooth Cavities:

Coffee wouldn’t be a superhero unless and until it fought against a few wicked enemies with a creepy sounding name. And it does! Coffee helps to shield your teeth by brutally obliterating something named Streptococcus mutans, which sounds, all the more, wicked). S. mutans is a bacterium which is a major reason behind dental cavities when their growth goes unrestricted. Hence, these bacteria are ‘the bad guys’. However, coffee can help to powerfully block its progress.

Now, you can believe that a lot can actually happen with your favorite mood booster. Just go ahead and show your appreciation by taking another long sip. Aren’t you feeling healthier already?
