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An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away !

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away !


Do you know that your muscles begin to lose mass and work as early as the age of 30? It’s totally a natural process, but those who fail to exercise on a regular basis could start to experience the early signs of muscle atrophy. Although you are physically active, an illness or injury that puts you off from using your muscles could end up adding to a significant muscle loss. Certainly, the easiest solution would seem to be a call to be physically more active, but latest studies have found that eating the peels of apples could actually help avoid muscle loss and weakness as you get older.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away !

Do you know that your muscles begin to lose mass and work as early as the age of 30? It’s totally a natural process, but those who fail to exercise on a regular basis could start to experience the early signs of muscle atrophy. Although you are physically active, an illness or injury that puts you off from using your muscles could end up adding to a significant muscle loss.

Certainly, the easiest solution would seem to be a call to be physically more active, but latest studies have found that eating the peels of apples could actually help avoid muscle loss and weakness as you get older.

Everybody must have heard the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We all are well-familiar with the fact that we must eat more and more of fruits. But, why apples? Do they comprise of specific benefits?

Apples are really “miracle fruits” that pass on great benefits beyond their fibre content. Various research studies have revealed that pectin and Polyphenols present in apple helps in improving the lipid metabolism and lowering the formation of pro-inflammatory molecules. Apples are extremely rich sources of antioxidants, vitamin C and B complex as well as dietary fibres.

It is also found in the studies that women eating apples regularly experienced a 25% reduction in the levels of LDL cholesterol or the bad cholesterol. The daily apple intake also led to a lowering of lipid hydroperoxide levels as well as C-reactive protein in those women. Yet another benefit is that the additional 240 calories per day taken in from the dried apple did not bring about weight gain in the women; indeed, they lost on average weight of 3.3 lbs. Lessened body weight is an additional help to the daily consumption of apples. Part of the reason for the weight loss could be the fruit’s pectin content, which is identified to exert a satiety effect.

Apples vs Statins:

An apple a day if taken by adults aged 50 and over, notably helps in preventing or delaying about 8,500 vascular deaths caused as a result of strokes or heart attacks  every year – comparable to giving statins to people over 50 years who are not consuming them already.

The research considers candidates who are already suitably taking statins to decrease their risk of vascular disorder and thus the authors puts pressure on the point that nobody currently consuming statins should stop, even though of course consume more apples.

Also, it is must to implement certain lifestyle changes for preventing the occurrence of heart disorders. On the other hand, data suggest that statins can significantly lower the risk of vascular events, regardless of a person’s underlying risk of cardiovascular illness.

New Apple Peel Ingredient Keeps Your Muscle Strong & Healthy: Checks Out Muscle Atrophy and Wasting to Support Stronger Muscles!

In search of a suitable way to put off muscle wasting that crops up with any illness and aging, researchers have landed into a natural compound that might just do the trick. As doubtful as it sounds, apples may hold the answer to stronger and bigger muscles. Research studies have recognized a natural compound present in apple peels, Ursolic acid, as a suitable candidate for averting the prevalent and devastating muscle wasting conditions that lays a harmful impact on nearly every person at one time or another. Muscle atrophy, or wasting, results due to aging and various illnesses and injuries, such as cancer, orthopaedic injuries as well as heart failure, making people more prone to weakness and fatigue, leading to an impaired physical activity and quality of life, and inclining the individuals to falls and fractures. Muscle wasting delays hospitalization, prolongs recoveries and in certain cases stops individuals from returning to their homes. Muscle atrophy results in a number of problems for people, their families, and the health care system in general. However, the problem remains poorly understated and there is no proper medication for it. Exercise surely helps, but it’s not enough and not very likely for many individuals who are ill or injured. 

It is found that there’s a protein named, ATF4 which results in muscle loss during aging. It was found to cause a decrease in the process of muscle protein synthesis. The researchers identified that the ursolic acid present in apple peels would reduce the activity of this protein and thus, help keep adults physically fit and active for a much longer time.

 “Ursolic acid is an interesting natural ingredient of apple peels and a well-established part of a normal diet. A natural steroidal compound from apples helps protect against muscle atrophy while recovering strength as well as endurance. “That’s the reason why an apple a day keeps the doctor away…”

In the research studies, ursolic acid was given to the fasted mice. Those experiments concluded that ursolic acid could help in protection against muscle weakening as foreseen. When ursolic acid was included in the food of normal mice for some weeks, their muscles started to grow.

Animals that were fed with ursolic acid, in addition, became leaner and had lower blood levels of glucose, triglycerides as well as cholesterol. The observations thus recommend that ursolic acid may be held accountable for some of the complete advantages of healthy eating.

“We all are familiar with the fact if you take in a well-balanced diet like mom told us to have you get this material, while people who take in junk food don’t get this.”


Yes, we all have heard the saying “An apple a day keep doctor away” very often. Your moms must be always saying this after seeing your hatred for apple. But now, you will realize its ultimate and often ignored significance after reading this blog!
