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Acai Berry Boosts Your Brain Power!!

Acai Berry Boosts Your Brain Power!!


Did you know the fountain of youth is sandwiched between your ears? It is your brain that makes the judgments of keeping you happy, healthy and on track in order to live a long time. Similarly, it is your brain that makes the bad choices that devastate your health and send you off to the undertaker before time. If you wish to live a long and happy life, the primary place to begin with is by having a healthy and better brain! Nowadays, you can speed up the aging process and make your brain look and feel older than your chronological age, or you can slow down it and have a brain that looks and feels much younger than your age. Although getting older is not optional, having a brain that looks and feels old is! The brain is the most intricate organ existing in the universe and thus the most susceptible to injury as well as aging. It is computed that your brain contains about 100 billion neurons (brain cells), with each one having by up to 10,000 individual associations with other cells. This signifies that you have more associations in your brain than there are stars in the universe!

Acai Berry Boosts Your Brain Power!!

Did you know the fountain of youth is sandwiched between your ears? It is your brain that makes the judgments of keeping you happy, healthy and on track in order to live a long time. Similarly, it is your brain that makes the bad choices that devastate your health and send you off to the undertaker before time. If you wish to live a long and happy life, the primary place to begin with is by having a healthy and better brain! Nowadays, you can speed up the aging process and make your brain look and feel older than your chronological age, or you can slow down it and have a brain that looks and feels much younger than your age. Although getting older is not optional, having a brain that looks and feels old is!

The brain is the most intricate organ existing in the universe and thus the most susceptible to injury as well as aging. It is computed that your brain contains about 100 billion neurons (brain cells), with each one having by up to 10,000 individual associations with other cells. This signifies that you have more associations in your brain than there are stars in the universe!

As you can perhaps imagine, all of these cells and associations necessitate a remarkable quantity of energy to facilitate functioning. Also, although your brain is only approximately 2% of your body’s weight (or, three pounds), it makes use of 20 to 30% of the calories you take in, 20% of your body’s blood flow, and 20% of the oxygen you inhale – and even more than that when your brain is on “overdrive”!

Nutrition to Boost Your Brain’s Performance

Our culture grips over personality and external looks, and people are always trying to look for the next miracle diet in order to make them thin, and good-looking. Yet, tailoring a diet to guarantee the strength and optimal working of the most important organ, the brain, is equally significant. The hunt for the ideal brain diet has yielded a number of varied results, and now HealthDiva will deliver you the ultimate, collective, and effectual diet for your brain.

Before offering particular foods that corresponds with the diet, we will overview what your brain actually necessitates. The initial step to undertake is cutting down your calories. Setting up the foundation of health that is attained through caloric reduction is essential in order to avert degenerative disorders in the brain and in general for remaining healthy longer. Now that we have identified specific nutrients for boosting your brain health:

  1. Keep away from high-calorie foods as well as foods with “empty calories” (in particular foods rich in processed fats). Try to add in leafy and green veggies in your diet. You can also consume chicken rather than red meat whenever possible (even though fish is the best protein).
  2. Take an ample amount of antioxidants: Free radicals in the body look for gaining electrons from oxidizing agents in the body, which time and again comes from cell constituents. This may result in cell damage and may enhance the speed of aging. This might also impose unfavourable effects on the brain, but the intake of antioxidants works just great in order to slow this process. Foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and veggies, must be consumed at about every meal. Good sources of antioxidants (and some often suggested brain foods) include Acai berries and blueberries, as well as all fruits and veggies. 

However, if you wish to acquire benefits of Blueberry as well as Acai berries as one; then HealthDiva presents you a favourable supplement: BERRY BLAST – ACAI BERRY EXTRACT: with all-natural constituents blended with three specially chosen fruits adding an extra anti-oxidant power – Blueberry, Grape seed extract and Pomegranate! The product is available in capsule form, the berries and their nutrients can very easily be integrated into your daily diet. BerryBlast is in other words, a nutritious “Superfood Protection Formula” as it is a strong antioxidant consisting of natural flavonoids. It is a 30 capsules pack, completely free of side effects and gluten-free as well. It is known to improve mental function as well as promotes overall health and well-being by helping to battle against the cell-damaging free radicals that can have an effect on the brain, skin, heart, eyes, and immune system.

  1. Incorporate omega-3 fatty acids on a regular basis: Do this by consuming fish at least thrice a week. Wild salmon is thought to be one of the best brain foods as it contains a profuse amount of essential fatty acids and low amounts of calories and saturated fat. In addition, Acai berries are rich in omega-3’s and low in calories (and, as we have seen, contain high quantity of antioxidants), making them a perfect nutrition for your brain.
  2. Balance this out with regular exercise and a generally healthy lifestyle: Your brain’s health will significantly benefit from the rest of your body’s strength, and vice-versa.

If you wish to promote your brain’s energy, connectivity, and overall performance; look no further than Blueberry and Acai berry-rich, HEALTHDIVA BERRY BLAST CAPSULE, available online at Low Prices in India!!
