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Supplementing is when you deliver your baby formula or expressed human milk other than breastfeeding! The choice to supplement is a significant one - now and again it's medically obligatory. The most common reason parents choose to supplement is their concern for nutrition, particularly in the initial few days. You're just getting accustomed to lactation, and it may appear as if your baby isn’t receiving sufficient quantity to eat, particularly at night. Remember that it might take time for both mom and baby to fiddle with their new schedule, and supplementing must only be initiated after discussing with your healthcare provider. Parents may also question whether they should supplement during babies' 'growth shoots,' which occur about 2 to 3 weeks, 6 weeks and about 2 to 3 months of age. At these times, babies wish to feed more frequently and although you are making adequate milk, your breasts may feel soft. Throughout the growth surge, you may feel like you’re feeding repeatedly. That’s OK. By breastfeeding more and more, the baby is helping to amplify your milk supply.



Supplementing is when you deliver your baby formula or expressed human milk other than breastfeeding! The choice to supplement is a significant one – now and again it’s medically obligatory.

The most common reason parents choose to supplement is their concern for nutrition, particularly in the initial few days. You’re just getting accustomed to lactation, and it may appear as if your baby isn’t receiving sufficient quantity to eat, particularly at night. Remember that it might take time for both mom and baby to fiddle with their new schedule, and supplementing must only be initiated after discussing with your healthcare provider.

Parents may also question whether they should supplement during babies’ ‘growth shoots,’ which occur about 2 to 3 weeks, 6 weeks and about 2 to 3 months of age. At these times, babies wish to feed more frequently and although you are making adequate milk, your breasts may feel soft. Throughout the growth surge, you may feel like you’re feeding repeatedly. That’s OK. By breastfeeding more and more, the baby is helping to amplify your milk supply.

Some parents feel that offering a baby a milk bottle occasionally will give the mom a break. But supplementing with formula can in fact make breastfeeding more difficult. Also if your baby is no longer lactating, or if you think your milk supply is getting reduced, you may want to stop bottle feeding for a moment. Any type of bottle can pose a trouble – even those promoted as being appropriate for breastfeeding babies. Check with your physician for more information.

When the mom requires a break, bottle feeding may not be the finest way out. That’s for the reason that:

  • When bottle feeding substitutes for breastfeeding, the mother’s breasts time and again become so painful she has to express her milk. Pumping rather than breastfeeding is not much of a ‘break’. It may be easier to lactate rather than other means such as pump or bottle feed.
  • Bottles and pumps should always be cleaned and sterilized. Formula should be quantified, mixed and carefully stored if not used at once. Breastfeeding can occur at any place, and at any time without extra equipment.
  • Frequently, a mom essentially requires a break from some of the other responsibilities that contribute to the stress of caring for a baby. Ask a friend or dear one for helping you out in your household duties so that you can concentrate on breastfeeding.

Reasons for supplementing

At times, supplementing is medically indispensable. A few babies may necessitate a slight extra nutrition for the following reasons:

  • Low blood sugar levels (condition called hypoglycaemia)
  • Weight loss (where a mother’s milk has not enhanced and baby doesn’t gain weight regardless of frequent and efficient lactation)
  • Receiving treatment for jaundice (and if they are not feeding sufficiently well at the breast)
  • Premature babies who are not feeding well enough at the breast
  • Dehydration (insufficient wet diapers)
  • Mother’s milk has not began to enhance by the 4th day


When you give birth, it appears like the hard part is over, right? Not all time! For a few females feeling comfortable with lactation can be complicated, and so is maintaining a good milk supply. Above all, if physicians are concerned about your baby losing weight in large amounts in those first few weeks!

The good news is that with a good support and assistance; building your milk supply doesn’t have to be something to take tension for. And you’re the right place @ HEALTHDIVA!! The super-combo in HealthDiva’s Lactimaxx is constituted with essential galactogogue herbs such as Milk Thistle, Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed, Alfalfa and other herbs with an added target of offering you with an additional boost of lactation support. The supplement also includes vital omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, necessary for baby’s healthy brain and eye development. This special capsule is composed of all the tried and tested herbal constituents (in the balanced amounts) that have been established to work in combination for increasing milk supply in mothers.

Also stated below are some tried and true tips for moms, for increasing their breast milk supply:

  1. Frequent nursing and on demand.

Now is not the time to be concerned regarding your to-do lists or routines. Your baby is building your milk supply in those initial twelve weeks, so feel free to respond to his or her cues and nurse on demand.

  1. Stay well-hydrated and properly nourished.

Caring for a new baby can be loads of work, so it’s easy to ignore your own nutritional requirements. If you wish for building and maintaining a good milk supply, it’s vital to consume nutrient-dense foods and to stay hydrated all the time.

  1. Get plenty of rest.

Yes I know, it’s tough to put down your adorable newborn to go nap, but your body is recovering! It is always found after a good nap or night’s sleep; your milk supply would be boosted at once. Let your spouse or another caregiver take over your baby for some time, so you can rest.

  1. Carry on taking your vitamins.

You may think once you’ve given birth, you can ditch those prenatal vitamins. Professionals declare to keep taking your vitamins all through the duration you are breastfeeding too, to restore necessary nutrients as well as minerals.

Follow these HealthDiva tips and tricks in order to boost breast milk when your baby is little and you’ll be heading in the right direction to establish a copious milk supply to last the duration of your time breastfeeding. If you’re running into troubles or need some guidance, don’t be uncertain to speak to a lactation consultant. They are specifically trained to assess, correct and support your breastfeeding bonding with your baby.

Say yes to HealthDiva’s supplement, Lactimaxx capsule for correcting your breastfeeding issues, available online at When breastfeeding is going well, it will be certainly one of life’s most pleasing experiences.


Cheers to happy mamas and their healthy babies!
