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Quitting smoking can be a long and difficult process. Every day you ought to fix upon a decision of not smoking today. You’ve decided to quit smoking. Congratulations! Your first day devoid of cigarettes can really be tough. Each day that you don’t burn your cigarette is a small success. These all add up to a gigantic triumph with time. If you wish to quit your habit of smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle that may assist you to resist the lure to light up another one. All set to quit smoking? HealthDiva has put together the best tricks and tips to kick the smoking habit, provides you the best support, and help you stay smoke-free for good. By quitting, you will definitely perk up the quality and duration of your life, as well as the lives of people around you. We make you feel confident about being able to quit smoking.


Quitting smoking can be a long and difficult process. Every day you ought to fix upon a decision of not smoking today. You’ve decided to quit smoking. Congratulations! Your first day devoid of cigarettes can really be tough.

Image result for quit smoking

Each day that you don’t burn your cigarette is a small success. These all add up to a gigantic triumph with time. If you wish to quit your habit of smoking, you can make small changes to your lifestyle that may assist you to resist the lure to light up another one.

All set to quit smoking? HealthDiva has put together the best tricks and tips to kick the smoking habit, provides you the best support, and help you stay smoke-free for good. By quitting, you will definitely perk up the quality and duration of your life, as well as the lives of people around you. We make you feel confident about being able to quit smoking.

  1. Positive Thinking:

You might have tried to stop smoking previously but found it difficult to manage it. Now don’t let that put you off. Look back at the things your experience has taught you and dwell on how you’re actually going to do it this time.

  1. Make a plan to quit smoking:

Promise yourself, set a date and fix to it. Sticking to the “not a drag” rule can be of a great help. At any time you find a difficulty, just say to yourself, “I will not have even a single drag” and fix to it until the smoking cravings go away. Think ahead of times where it might be difficult – an official party for example – and program your activities and escape routes beforehand. Is that after-dinner cigar your favourite? THE ANSWER MUST BE “NO”. You must keep in your minds the fact that you must quit smoking gradually, like decreasing your cigarette intake one at a time.

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  1. Swap your drinks:

Fizzy drinks, cola, tea or alcohol all make cigarettes taste better. So when you’re out, you must drink more water and juice. You can switch from wine to a tomato juice which highly affects your need to reach for a cigarette.

  1. Recognize when you long for cigarettes:

A craving can persist for a max of 5 minutes. Before you surrender, make a record of 5-minute approaches. For instance, you might leave the party for a minute, dance or reach the bar. And you must be aware of this: the blend of smoking and drinking increases your risk of mouth cancer by 38 times.

  1. Get some stop smoking support:

If loved ones or friends want to give up their habit too, recommend them that you can quit together.

Woman drinking and socialising

  1. Get moving:

Many studies have proved that exercise or even a 5-minute walk or relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing exercises, yoga or meditation, muscle relaxation and gentle massage, all are found useful in cutting down the cravings and helps your brain generate anti-craving chemicals.

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  1. Enjoy your non-smoking company:

When you are at a party, stick yourself around some non-smokers and refrain your mind from thinking about cigarettes.

  1. Keep your hands and mouth busy:

Nicotine replacement therapy nowadays delivers positive results in quitting your smoking habits. There are tablets, lozenges, nasal sprays or gum available along with those easy accessible nicotine patches. Also, another way is try putting your drink in the hand that regularly holds a cigarette, or swallow the drink using a straw in order to keep your mouth busy.

  1. Make a list of reasons to quit:

Keep reminding yourself why you came to a decision of giving up the habit of smoking. Make that list and read it loud when you need support.

10.Avoid Smoking Triggers:

Triggers are the individuals, things, places, and conditions that set off your push for smoking. On your quit day, you must try to put a check on all your triggers. Adopting these tips helps you overcome smoking:

  • Avoid the intake of caffeine, which can make you feel jittery. Try taking more and more of water in its place.

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  • Take an ample of rest and eat a healthy and well-balanced diet. Being fatigued can prompt you to smoke.
  • Dispose off your cigarettes, ash trays as well as lighters if you haven’t already.

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  • Go to places where smoking isn’t permitted.
  • Modify your daily routine in order to avoid things you might relate to smoking.

Staying busy is a great way to stay smoke free. This helps you in keeping your mind off smoking and diverts you from desires. Think about trying some of these activities: chewing gum or biting a hard candy; exercise, getting out from your home for a relaxing walk, keeping hands busy with a pen or a toothpick or playing your favourite game, going for a movie, keeping yourself hydrated all the time, mind relaxation along with deep breathing, spending time with person you enjoy with the most, going for a dinner at your much-loved smoke-free restaurant.

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On this “No Tobacco Day”, these few ideas will get you started:

  • I want to recover my health.
  • I want to be free from the smoking obsession.
  • I don’t want to smell similar to cigar smoke.
  • I am spending on cigarettes in large amounts.
  • I am quitting it for the sake of my family.
  • I don’t want to be troubled when I can have my next smoke.

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Always, keep on reminding yourself of the benefits: Pen down or say out loud the WHY’S you want to give up smoking and resist tobacco cravings. These may include:

  • Getting healthier
  • Feeling better
  • Saving money
  • Sparing your loved ones from smoke

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Smoking cessation is a journey. “It’s well-said: One must take quitting one day at a time. What you discover today can help you out tomorrow.”
