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5 Ways to cope with stress

5 Ways to cope with stress


Make use of these easy tips and tricks to rewire your thoughts, and feel calmer and more positive each day. What if your worries come to an end (or you start feeling more confident, or less hassled) with just a few easy words? The mantras overrule your brain's automatic response, "help you in becoming wilfully attentive of what you're undertaking and serve as a reminder of what you wish to accomplish."

5 Ways to cope with stress

Image result for calm woman

Make use of these easy tips and tricks to rewire your thoughts, and feel calmer and more positive each day. What if your worries come to an end (or you start feeling more confident, or less hassled) with just a few easy words? The mantras overrule your brain’s automatic response, “help you in becoming wilfully attentive of what you’re undertaking and serve as a reminder of what you wish to accomplish.”

Below stated are five of these easy, must-try and thoughtful slogans. Opt for the mantras that resonates the most with you, and rehearse as per the requirement.

  1. To assemble guts: “Handshake your frights”:

Whether you’re feeling nervous in general or find yourself anxious in particular situations such as public speaking or while expressing thoughts or beliefs in front of your major stakeholders at work; fear can be unbearable. Not only can it keep you away from understanding your life objectives, but it can also stop you from merely enjoying your everyday activities. Thus, the best approach to deal with the issue is to befriend your fear, turn your way towards it as you would move towards somebody you loved who was feeling frightened and say: “Oh, you meagre thing, I can make out you’re anxious. Don’t you worry, you’re not alone, I’m right here with you.” By narrating this, you give your fear a kind of concentration that doesn’t come by ignoring it. It sounds odd, but more often, paying attention to an emotion can make it lower or even go away. Also, these words may help you to witness that you stand above your fears or apprehensions. Yes, along with that anxious person inside you, there is also a brave, wise part inside you. Meeting that braver, wiser self helps you perform with self-confidence despite of fear.

Image result for public speaking fear

  1. To discover confidence: “Undistort the distortion”:

This Mantra depends on the fact that, females are often cursed by much poorer self-confidence in comparison to males. This fateful experience shows up in a number of ways. Take for example; females constantly evaluate their performance as inferior than it really is, while males are always overconfident of their performance and always judge it as better in all respects. And when it comes time to go for a job application, females don’t feel capable enough to submit an application until and unless they match 100% of the criteria, while males by means of their hats into the ring if there is a 50% match. Even when we are well-aware of this happening as social, and not personal, it can be really very difficult to transform. “Thus, females must always take this feeling of unworthiness as a lie and they really don’t have to listen to it as much.”

Image result for females for job application

  1. To quiet anxiety: “Stop going in the direction where your mind goes while your body is not”:

Consistently worrying about all the awful things that may occur? Many of us constantly torture ourselves with this sort of paranormal thinking: If I’ll be anxious now, it will assist in keeping all the bad things away. In reality, all you do is make yourself depressed now as you concentrate on the vision of adversity and the misery you will feel if it crops up, which it generally doesn’t! If you’re a chronic cynic, try this habit converter of not going in the direction where your mind is going while your body is not.

  1. To cope up with stress: “This is only a paper tiger”:

When you’re feeling anxious about anything, it can feel a bit like a voracious tiger about to gulp you down, right? The difficulty appears devastatingly overwhelming and you fail to find a solution as to how to cope up with the situation. But there is always a solution to ever problem, and here identifying what you are facing is only a paper tiger, not a factual one.

Image result for tiger running after a person

This doesn’t imply that there isn’t a difficulty; you just need to think that it’s not one that menaces your life. Your stress response here plays a key role in saving you from upcoming danger just like a tiger running after you. But your amygdala, which is your stress response originator, can’t distinguish between a traffic jam and a tiger. So it reacts as if a tiger was chasing you when you’re only trapped in line, looking forward to an important presentation or experiencing a flight delay. If you make use of this habit changer in all your stressful events, believe me you’ll feel relaxed and can easily figure out how to handle that line, presentation or delay. “Many people have tried this mantra and it had been a life saver for many”.

  1. To summon courage and strength: “Take a glance at: how far I’ve come”:

This approach has been used by long-distance runners in order to resist the pull to quit when they feel exhausted or in pain. This is termed as horizon effect. Instead of concentrating on the distance they still have to go, they motivate themselves to maintain it depending upon the progress they’ve made till then. When people have a tendency to concentrate on their flaws while they’re learning something new, this can turn to be a habit changer to help them develop the spirit to keep at it.

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If you always called yourself a “total failure” at dealing with your anger issues and always ready to give up on your anger-management efforts, then just include these habit changer mantras into your routine. You’ll definitely notice a change.

