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Prevention of heart disease is possible if you focus on your heart health continually. If you haven’t programmed your regular wellness appointment and cardiac evaluation, take care of scheduling one with your cardio expert. It’s always good to keep your regular wellness practices prepared, which not only lend you a hand in keeping an eye on your complete health, but also helps you in spotting the unforeseen problems before they become critical. Heart disorder is a leading cause of death nowadays, but is one of the most avertable illnesses. And fortunately, there are things you can carry out in order to boost your probabilities of preventing a heart disease.


Prevention of heart disease is possible if you focus on your heart health continually. If you haven’t programmed your regular wellness appointment and cardiac evaluation, take care of scheduling one with your cardio expert. It’s always good to keep your regular wellness practices prepared, which not only lend you a hand in keeping an eye on your complete health, but also helps you in spotting the unforeseen problems before they become critical.

Prevent heart disease by keeping your heart healthy

Heart disorder is a leading cause of death nowadays, but is one of the most avertable illnesses. And fortunately, there are things you can carry out in order to boost your probabilities of preventing a heart disease.

Types of heart diseases:

  1. Coronary Artery Disease: It is a medical condition where blockage results in the coronary arteries and heart muscles fail to get enough oxygen and blood supply. Critical effect of CAD is sudden death without caution. This frequently occurs in people who have a history of heart attacks or other heart problem
  2. Angina: Angina is chest pain or discomfort that happens when your heart is not getting a sufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients. It may result from a narrowing of the arteries or muscle spasm in the coronary arteries.

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  1. Myocardial infarction: It is the damage of the heart muscle as a result blockage of blood flow. If the obstruction is short, and the heart finally receives an adequate amount of blood, oxygen, and nutrients, the damage is often reversible.
  2. Congestive heart failure: A condition where the heart’s function as a pump is insufficient to meet the body’s requirements.
  3. Ischemic heart disease: A condition which results in the deposition of fatty plaque in the coronary artery walls resulting in a decreased blood flow. When a blocked artery totally blocks the blood flow, a heart attack crops up.

What is the significance of heart health?

Heart disease covers multiple conditions, all of them correlating with the heart in some or the other way. For instance, one of the most widespread kind of heart disease, coronary artery disease, discussed above too, which entails functions and conditions that cause the heart to become less efficient, or worse: in this condition, there is a build-up of plaque inside the coronary arteries which results in a decreased blood flow, blockages, and consequently heart attack (heart attack symptoms include chest pain, sweating, fatigue, upper body pain, difficulty in breathing), or an unexpected cardiac death. Plaque formation inside the coronary arteries results due to the deposition of calcium, fats, or cholesterol. Keeping your heart in a good physical shape means escaping unnecessary plaque accumulation, blockages, and cardiac death.

“HealthDiva healthy heart tips” makes sure your heart will keep on working for as long as you’re breathing!!! And with proper personal health tips and lifestyle modifications, you can cut down the chances of useless heart hurdles, and even put off heart disease.

Tips to keep your heart healthy:

1. Staying attentive of your heart health is really essential. A great way to stay on the top of your heart’s health is by means of self-monitoring your blood pressure. High blood pressure or hypertension is a chief risk factor for heart disease. Thus, you must regularly check your blood pressure levels that will be a great help for you to stay awake of the condition your body and heart is in and assists you in recognizing the possible heart-associated predicaments before they become too severe. You can simply monitor your blood pressure at home using a digital blood pressure monitor.

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2. Maintaining a good heart healthy diet and staying active can significantly improve your heart health on the whole. Even just half an hour of exercise daily, 5 vital days out of your week can make a noteworthy difference in the health of your heart, and believe me you’ll definitely notice the change.

Ten nutrients for your heart health you’ve probably never heard of

When it comes to your healthy diet, limiting sugar and fat consumption and amplifying the intake of fruits and veggies; a diet rich in fibre (for example, spinach; fibre present lowers cholesterol levels, so add fresh spinach to your salads to complement your healthy heart diet), whole grains, green tea (comprises of caffeine and prevents heart disease by boosting metabolism; keeps you energized throughout the day), oats (beneficial in lowering the cholesterol levels and facilitates high fibre intake; makes a perfect healthy breakfast) or nuts (walnuts and almonds help your heart by lowering bad cholesterol levels as well as keeps your blood sugar under control); all include foods good for your heart. Simultaneously, you must avoid intake of salty and high sodium foods.

So, next time you move to your grocery, take care that you include all these heart healthy foods!

3. Get more active

Exercise more. People nowadays are so much occupied in their work that they don’t have time for their body. One should work out regularly in order to keep our body healthy. Exercise lowers cholesterol, keeps your blood pressure under control, and happily lowers the possibility of developing diabetes and makes you live a longer & healthy life.

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4. Tame your stress:

You must cut off your stress, as long-term stress can produce chronic or long-term harm to your heart, your heart rate and resulting in high blood pressure; ultimately tissue damage and heart attack. Thus, by adopting some stress-management techniques; deep breathing exercises, one can easily knock out stress from their lives.

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If you ask me: How to prevent heart attack? These all tips are of a great help in heart attack prevention too. In short, a healthy diet, stress management, and regular exercise are the three saviours for your heart. Making lifestyle modifications is the most effectual way to put a stop to heart attack.

Remember, heart disease can crop up at any age, though, the risk of a heart problem becomes two times with each decade after the age of 55.

Healthy habits for a happy heart

So it’s THE TIME to begin showing your heart immense love on a daily basis!
