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Have you heard the popular saying, “LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.” And whereas this phrase often speaks of your intuition or sixth sense, it must also refer to your digestion. Your gut or digestive system channels your complete well-being. Quite literally, your gut is the epicenter of your entire physical and mental health. However it’s all too widespread to experience a loads of digestive problems that formulate a giant impact on your strength and energy. If you wish for a powerful digestion, an improved immunity, and better precision and balance, prioritize on remodeling your digestive health. “Your Gut Feeling: A Healthier Digestive Health For A Healthier You” Digestive health is nowadays a popular and emerging topic of interest. And it’s no surprise: that digestive problems spanning the array from irritable bowel syndrome to gastroesophageal reflux disease are common widely, having an impact on millions of people.


Image result for Digestion

Have you heard the popular saying, “LISTEN TO YOUR GUT.” And whereas this phrase often speaks of your intuition or sixth sense, it must also refer to your digestion. Your gut or digestive system channels your complete well-being. Quite literally, your gut is the epicenter of your entire physical and mental health. However it’s all too widespread to experience a loads of digestive problems that formulate a giant impact on your strength and energy. If you wish for a powerful digestion, an improved immunity, and better precision and balance, prioritize on remodeling your digestive health.

“Your Gut Feeling: A Healthier Digestive Health For A Healthier You”

Digestive health is nowadays a popular and emerging topic of interest. And it’s no surprise: that digestive problems spanning the array from irritable bowel syndrome to gastroesophageal reflux disease are common widely, having an impact on millions of people.

The human digestive system  impinges on the overall health of the person perhaps like no other system in the body does. A not so strong digestive system implies bowel related complaints, recurrent diarrhoea as well as the inability to absorb valuable nutrients which then results in a poor health and a poor quality of life.

The digestive system, one of the most important body systems, consists of many parts begining from the mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, rectum, and then the anus. The pancreas and the liver, also vital parts of the digestive system secrete some important digestive fluids which are used by intestine in order to digest food products. Also, there are few other organs that play a passive role in the digestion process.

Why is digestion important?

When you consume things like bread, or meat, they are not in a structure that your body can utilize as nourishment. The food you eat must be converted into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the bloodstream and transported to the body cells. This is what is digestion, it is the process by which food particles are broken down into their smallest parts so that the body can make use of them to provide energy as well as to construct and nourish cells.

Let’s see, how is food digested?

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The digestion process starts from the mouth and is concluded in the small intestine. When we take in food, it passes through our mouth and to the stomach via a long tube known as alimentary canal or the GI tract. This gastrointestinal tract initiates from the mouth cavity and goes to the pharynx, stomach, large intestine, and ultimately terminates at the anus. As the food particles move down from mouth to the intestine, it gets digested step by step.

Not only this, do you know when your gut goes unhealthy, what can be the consequences? It may result in symptoms far beyond stomach pains and spasms. Poor digestive health could make you more inclined to autoimmune disorders, anxiety, low energy, and hormonal disturbances. All these health concerns result due to the poor care of the gut. However, you can go through symptoms that can be a sign of an unhealthy gut ranging from bloating (condition in which stomach appears inflamed and feels full), diarrhoea (repeated passing of watery stools), constipation (trouble in bowel emptying normally related to hardened stools), acidity or GERD, nausea, vomiting, swallowing problems, bleeding in the faeces, abdominal pain (pain at any place between your chest and your groin area) and weight loss or weight gain. All these are warning signs that your gut needs some added attention.

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Poor gut health = Poor overall health

Digestive System: Building Blocks for a Robust You

This structure of crucial digestive organs acts as a type of communication center or a switchboard to and commencing from the brain, and plays a role as one of the body’s frontlines in the struggle against illnesses. “The gut plays a chief role, not only in our digestive health, but also the health and welfare of the complete body.

Now that you are well-aware of the importance of your digestive health for your overall health, you must be inquisitive of learning how to take care of your spectacular gut.

Healing Your Leaky Gut:

It is a multi-step process that takes time, but the outcomes are well worth the effort. To optimize your digestive health, the first thing one must do is to remove the factors that contribute to the damaging GI tract(for example, subpar diet, toxin exposure as well as too much stress).

Dietary guidelines for a healthy gut:

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  • Eat loads of veggies in order to get your fill of fiber (like cauliflower, broccoli, beans). Fiber assists in moving things down the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Have in a plenty of prebiotic food products, such as onions, artichoke, asparagus or garlic. These all feed the healthy gut bacteria and facilitate them to flourish.
  • Stay well hydrated. Your intestines demand for water to shift things across the digestive system.

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  • Exclude out any foods to your body is allergic or sensitive.
  • Avoid soda or other highly sweetened beverages.
  • Stay away from pre-packaged, processed foods as much as possible. These are full of sugar, the inflammatory form of fats, as well as the preservatives – all of which are known to harm your gut.

Lifestyle Gut-Friendly Blessings:

  • Masticate your food thoroughly. Chewing helps in breaking down food physically into smaller pieces while at the same time mixing it with salivary enzymes, eventually making palatable and absorbable much easier down the line.
  • Trim down your stress levels. Regularly engage yourself in some or other kind of stress management way, whether that’s yoga, meditation, any mild exercise, or anything else that works for you.
  • Relax. It is a fact that emotions have an effect on digestion. Negative emotions such as anxiety, stress, or misery, greatly lessen your production of stomach acid and considerably slow down the process of digestion, which makes you much more inclined to digestive problems such as bloating or acid reflux. Thus, the “HealthDiva Mantra” is to stay relaxed while you eat. A few deep breaths are important prior to having food or spend a minute to be thankful for your food so as to prepare your GI tract for optimal digestion.

With the right mix of dietary and lifestyle changes, you can guarantee your gut is healthy & happy. I hope this information motivates you to be in love with your gut.

Its Your Turn: How will you help out your gut now? And if you’ve been down this path, what has facilitated you to get well? I’d love to know!! I’m still on the lane, as are numerous of my readers.

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