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Have you ever been into a state where your to-do list appears never-ending, targets are near, and you turn up saying ‘Eek! I feel restless or STRESSED!’? But have you ever though what really is stress, and how it disturbs us? Stress is nothing but a physical response i.e. body's way of reacting to any type of threat or call. When you feel any kind of threat around you - whether it's real or imaginary, the defence system of your body buzz into high gear in a swift, involuntary process called the “stress response” or “fight-or-flight” reaction. The stress response is the body's way of defending you against danger. Crabby, hassled, anxious or exhausted all the time? These signs can indicate either plain old stress or a natural depression embedded in deep-down problems. It is extremely important to pay attention to the alert that our mind and body transmit with the purpose of creating happiness and wellness in our lives.


Have you ever been into a state where your to-do list appears never-ending, targets are near, and you turn up saying ‘Eek! I feel restless or STRESSED!’? But have you ever though what really is stress, and how it disturbs us? Stress is nothing but a physical response i.e. body’s way of reacting to any type of threat or call. When you feel any kind of threat around you – whether it’s real or imaginary, the defence system of your body buzz into high gear in a swift, involuntary process called the “stress response” or “fight-or-flight” reaction. The stress response is the body’s way of defending you against danger.

Crabby, hassled, anxious or exhausted all the time? These signs can indicate either plain old stress or a natural depression embedded in deep-down problems. It is extremely important to pay attention to the alert that our mind and body transmit with the purpose of creating happiness and wellness in our lives.

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While anxiety signs fluctuate extensively, odds are good that at some point you get sporadic physical as well as emotional anguish signals for instance, fearful breathing, trouble while sleeping, your heart drubbing in your chest, feelings of terror, or even twists of irritation. Don’t fear, that’s normal. The key to spotting out how to overpower such anxiety conditions lies in our ability to take the needful steps to change our lives and/or learn about the origin of anxiety.

First of all, one must figure out what type of anxiety disorder he/she is going through, then only one can find ways about how to relieve stress. As with every health problem, a correct diagnosis is very crucial. A few anxiety disorders that occur more commonly include:

  • Phobias: Condition where an object, animal, situation, or insect result into considerable anxiety.
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): In this, a pattern of extreme worry about a variety of problems occurs for a minimum of 6 months, often followed by physical symptoms, like dizziness, muscle tension, or a trouncing heart.
  • Panic disorder: Panic attack is nothing but an unexpected, intense incidents of heart-thumping fear, shallow breathing, and anxiety.
  • Social anxiety disorder: Feeling strong anxiety in social situations or getting nervous when called upon to act or perform in front of others, just as in public speaking.

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It is usual to feel stressed or anxious from time to time, particularly if you live a complex life. But for several people, anxiety is a persistent buddy, always sneaking behind the successive corner. An approximate 2-4% of the population are living with the endless nerve-wracking as well as panic attacks that outline one of the most prevailing mental complaints: generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). There is a lot more who are living with other anxiety conditions such as panic disorder or, social anxiety disorder. But, handful number of individuals discuss these frankly. Mental illness yet carries a social stigma, inducing many individuals to keep their condition undisclosed. For others, though, being outspoken is a very effective way of confronting anxiety.

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The good news is that you don’t require to depend on conventional anti-anxiety meds for the relief of the effects of stress. When it comes to calming your mind (stress); easy and natural solutions can help.

Best ways to relieve stress:

HOW TO DEAL WITH STRESS? You can always learn way for dealing with stress conditions and living a happier, healthier life. HealthDiva presents some stress management tips to help you keep stress at bay.

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  • Always maintain a positive attitude and stay away from negative thoughts.
  • Eat healthy and well-balanced meals.
  • It’s really very important to make time for yourself particularly, your interests, hobbies, and relaxation.
  • Be confident rather than violent. State your beliefs, moods, or opinions rather than getting passive, angry, or rigid all the time.
  • Get plentiful rest and sleep. Your body demands time to get well from agitating events.
  • Admit that there are situations that are out of your control.
  • Exercise on a regular basis. Your body can combat stress better when it is fit.
  • Try to find a social support. Spend ample of time with people you enjoy with.
  • Go for some stress relaxation techniques; try yoga or meditation for destressing your body.
  • Learn to manage your time more efficiently.
  • Take a nature break: One of the most productive ways to lighten up the stressful mind is to put in some time in nature.
  • Don’t depend on alcohol or drugs to reduce stress.

These stress management tips are proven effective and can be utilized in variable circumstances. You can try them each once instead of purchasing anti-anxiety pills and feeling stressed about possible side effects.

Next on the list are some relaxation techniques TO ZAP YOUR STRESS FAST:

Relax. It’s good for you & you deserve it, and it takes fewer seconds than you think.

  1. Meditate: A few minutes of meditation per day is a perfect way to ease anxiety. It’s very easy, all you need is to sit up straight with both feet lying on the floor, taking deep breaths with your eyes closed and recite some positive mantra like “OM” or “I love myself” either loud or silently. Let any disturbing thoughts drift by like clouds & just notice the change.

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  1. Deep Breaths: Take a 5-minute pause and concentrate on your breathing. Sit in a straight position, eyes closed, and put your one hand on your belly. Breathe in air slowly through your nose and feel the breath; similarly reverse the process as you breathe out using your mouth.
  2. Image result for laugh loud for stress management Laugh Out Loud: A good belly laugh not only just ease the load mentally, but also minimizes your body’s stress hormone, i.e. cortisol, and lifts the brain chemicals named endorphins, which are responsible for your mood changes. Thus, you must lighten up your mind by tuning in to your most loved music or video, chatting with person who puts a smile on your face or reading your favourite comics.

If this STRESS thing is again and again shattering your mood and killing your capacity to do any work; then don’t worry and start following these steps in the right direction from now onwards.

