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Flip the flab with Flax seed!!

Flip the flab with Flax seed!!


Now, we all know about these small sized seeds, super source of energy called out as LINSEED. We have heard from some about FLAX- wonder seeds that have miraculous benefits. Flax helps in life threatening ailments like cardiovascular and diabetic even in cancerous conditions. The role of flax seeds in weight management is also well-accepted as flax seeds although they contain fat. Ensure one shouldn’t be having harmful fat but a good fat.

Flip the flab with Flax seed!!

When you think of portly chub, you wanted to shred probably you don’t have to plan out cutting your diet for it. Healthy way to achieve your health goal with HealthDiva’s Flaxseed capsule is very easy and possible.

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Now, we all know about these small sized seeds, super source of energy called out as LINSEED. We have heard from some about FLAX- wonder seeds that have miraculous benefits. Flax helps in life threatening ailments like cardiovascular and diabetic even in cancerous conditions. The role of flax seeds in weight management is also well-accepted as flax seeds although they contain fat. Ensure one shouldn’t be having harmful fat but a good fat.

Good fat for your bad flab!!

You must be amused to know that Omega 3 essential fatty acids present in flax help in GUT and weight management. Dirty the diet, bad is the gut!! One Stop Solution for healthy GIT (Gastro intestinal track): HealthDiva’s Flaxseed caps!! Stop the daily struggle of digestive issues viz. bloating, gastric and constipation.

NOT just the fat but the hormonal insecurity and aging, LINSEED avenges free radicals responsible for aging. LIGNANS are known to be the high source in many folds, Linseed or Flax are rich in phyto-constituents like polyphenols also called lignans as told they are about 800 times more than any plant source. The goodness of lignans present in Flax seeds enriched with plant estrogen and antioxidants. These plant hormones are potent enough to prevent DNA damage caused due to oxidation or pollution leading to aging.

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The healthy constituents in FLAX make it very useful super food making it choice for nutritionists:

  • Lowering cholesterol with finest contender against cholesterol with vascular relaxant property.
  • Making skin hair texture, omega 3s present in the flax promotes growth.
  • Cardio diabetic fatty acids helping in glucose synthesis in liver controlling blood glucose level in the body.
  • Weight control and management as soluble fibers suppressing food craving and fibers.
  • Enhanced brain functions-ALA helping in cerebral disorders or brain functions.
  • Arginine and glutamine helps in boosting in immune development and development of immunity against pathogens.


This super food is responsible for maintaining the required balance between fatty acid as well as the balanced amount of Omega 3, if not managed it might lead to increased cholesterol and an increased blood pressure or insulin level imbalance. Insulin resistance caused due to high carbs meal with low fibers making condition worst in gut. This causes blood sugar level rise high. Making body settled with high amount of fat leading to flab.

Flaxseeds assist in feeling full for a long while and enhance the metabolism. In addition, they are packed with vitamins and minerals such as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber as well as potassium, all of them are indispensable in weight loss.


As per the health Institute research, Flaxseeds are a very rich source when it comes to losing weight. It delivers a vast number of nutritional properties which speed up the process of weight loss. Let us talk about the different ways in which Flax seeds help the same.

High fiber content

Flaxseeds are composed of a high content of fiber, i.e. about 0.7 gm of dietary fiber per one teaspoon. Dietary fiber gives you a fuller feeling for a longer time, trimming down the unwanted consumption of calories. Moreover, it helps in controlling the blood sugar which does not let excess fat to build up. Additionally, the soluble fibers present in flax seeds have the ability to lower down the blood cholesterol levels, lessening the risk of heart attacks and stroke. It is composed of high levels of water-soluble mucilage gum content which aids in enhancing the absorption of nutrients from the food that you take in. This water-soluble fiber assists in trapping noxious substances which then gets excreted off your body.


Flax seeds also comprise of some vital nutrition elements called lignans which boost the metabolism rate and lower the levels of cholesterol. In addition, they are antioxidant in nature which aids in cancer prevention and helps clean the internal organs of the body.

Constituted with Omega- 3s Fatty Acids

Omega- 3s fatty acids are accountable for checking obesity by producing adiponectin. It eventually controls the metabolism and keeps your weight down. Flaxseeds are the number one source of Omega3s fatty acids for vegans.

Flax exhibits powerful anti-inflammatory properties and it is a gluten-free seed. You can also make use of this seed in cooking owing to its anti-inflammatory properties. Those who hold gluten sensitivity can make use of this seed as an alternative. Flax seeds are known to be useful in checking off your body against infections.

Low in carbohydrates and high in vitamin

Low carbohydrate content aids in maintaining a healthy body weight. In addition, it is found to profusely contain Vitamin B which helps in keeping you full for long.

Also, Flaxseeds are comprised of a high amount of nutrients, magnesium, potassium, and zinc which help in regulating excess weight.

Flax seeds contain all the required fats and fiber. This lowers the temptation to indulge eating and results in fewer calories taken during the day. The ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) fats existing in the flax seeds have also been identified to decrease inflammation.

Taken prior to a meal, flaxseed fiber lowers down the appetite of individuals, so that they may feel full and as a result, ensures that one can be supported in trimming down excess weight. Research studies reveal that the intake of flax seeds lowers appetite and thus marks food cravings. Also, it traps the bad fat making it insoluble in your body. As a result, it helps in losing extra fat from your body by means of excretion.

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You can “Buy HealthDiva’s Natural Flax Seed Oil Capsules” with Omega-3 available online, at discounted price in India on! Check out flaxseed oil capsule: herbal capsules with multiple benefits on your body.

Eat these capsules as required per day, and find out one of nature’s most powerful weight loss secrets.
