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What comes to your mind when I say “Healthy Intimate Life”? Intimacy. The word can induce a kaleidoscope of sentiments. From love, pleasure, and affection to desire, anxiety, and regret - the reactions are as diverse as physical experiences themselves. What's more, a lot of individuals bump into all these emotions and several others in the path of an intimate life across several decades. Having a healthy sexual life is good for you both physically as well as emotionally. It creates a close connection with your loved one, and sexual contentment has loads of health benefits.


“Make your dream of couple’s bliss a reality”

Why is Intimacy Important in a Successful Relationship?

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What comes to your mind when I say “Healthy Intimate Life”? Intimacy. The word can induce a kaleidoscope of sentiments. From love, pleasure, and affection to desire, anxiety, and regret – the reactions are as diverse as physical experiences themselves. What’s more, a lot of individuals bump into all these emotions and several others in the path of an intimate life across several decades. Having a healthy sexual life is good for you both physically as well as emotionally. It creates a close connection with your loved one, and sexual contentment has loads of health benefits.

Benefits of intimacy:

During intimacy, your body releases endorphins, hormone that obstructs pain sensation and makes you feel good.

  • Better general health and fitness.
  • An improved sound sleep.
  • Better self-esteem.
  • Less stress and tension.
  • Excellent for your cardio health.
  • Increased longevity (i.e. a long life) and contributes to sense of calm and inner peace.

Have you ever been told you have “Intimacy Issues” or do you sense a scarcity of “intimacy” in your bond? You need to figure out the keys to opening up the channels of enhanced connection, better closeness and better intimacy with your spouse? Well, healthy intimacy can be like glue that grips a bond together in times of stress. Intimacy can be “tension tumbling” and comforting rather than “tension building”; choice is yours. Learning ways to have a quality connection and rising intimacy with your dear one will definitely protect the relationship and keep your reproductive health in line too.

“Sexual Problems – Not Feeling It for Him or Her”

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Both males and females can face issues that can lay bad impact on their reproductive health. These may include:

  • Loss of interest in intimacy.
  • Failure to get or keep an erection (male erectile dysfunction or male impotency).
  • Pain during intercourse or trouble in penetration.
  • Premature ejaculation (a form of sexual dysfunction problem that can badly have an effect on the quality of a man’s reproductive health. It is when climax or pleasure occurs sooner than desired). PE can produce secondary symptoms like anxiety, agony, depression or humiliation in men.


Why do sexual problems crop up?

Sexual problems can result due to physical or psychological causes, at times both. Physical causes involve illness, side effects from drugs or any infection. Psychological reasons can be associated with relationship problems, or suspicions about your partner.

Battling with Premature Ejaculation? HealthDiva Tips to Control:

Image result for Ejaculation

Wish To Last Longer In Bed? These Tips Steer Better Intimate Life:

PE can be a horrible crisis to experience. The amount of distress and the rage to a man’s confidence is gigantic. For PE patients, medications that condense your sensitivity (for instance, a medicated cream, or Priligy: an oral tablet) are considered to be better solutions, and in due course make better the control over ejaculation. Other helpful way is taking a deep breath prior to ejaculating; this helps in delaying orgasm by slowing down the stimulation and ejaculation processes. The last tip is to relax and enjoy. Make this experience a relaxing and tension act for both you and your partner.

“Try plugging in these easy steps for a healthy sexual relationship

Next common male sexual dysfunction problem is erectile dysfunction: Let’s learn about its causes and treatments: Erectile problems can occur in male of any age. A number of factors contribute to ED including both physical and psychological causes; physical causes include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disorder, overweight, sleep problems, substance abuse and alcoholism; while psychological causes such as anxiety, depression, relationship issues, stress or poor communication with partner.

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Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is the lack of ability to get and maintain an erection firm enough for a healthy intercourse. This health condition is a matter of concern as if ED is an ongoing concern; it may result in stress, impinge on your confidence and add to relationship problems.

A number of useful tips and tricks can always help you prevail over ED:

  • First of all, ensure that you converse with your spouse what you like during the intimacy act. Many don’t chat about what actually turns them on. If you are not getting stimulated by what is happening, then it’s a sign that you’re an ED sufferer. Talking about intimacy leads to a greater connection with your partner, relaxing when you are together.
  • Next tip is to keep away from liquor, medication use or smoking.
  • Medications, for instance, Cialis, Viagra, or Levitra, may improve erectile capacity in males by improving the blood stream to the male organ.

Sexual dysfunction problems also crop up in females. These problems can interfere with their sexual life. And can be very upsetting for a woman, as everybody deserves a pleasing intimacy life.

The commonly reported sexual problems in female include:

  • Lack of sexual longing: Loss of interest in intercourse act is a common trouble in both males and females, but particularly in females. Lack of desire puts a stop on the sexual response cycle prior to its start.
  • Pain during intercourse: Also called as dyspareunia is not rare. Like other sexual dysfunction issues, it may cause a female to lose interest in enjoying an intimacy act.
  • Troubles becoming physically stimulated: Failure to become aroused is linked to the lack of desire. This can be very stressful for a female who feels longing and becomes roused. It may also generate a vicious cycle in which the female loses interest in physical act.

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Why Female Sexual Problems Occur?

Any of the following causes can contribute to problems in a female:

  • Emotional disturbances: Depression, anxiety (regarding physical act), stress, anger, and guilt, all can add to a female’s sexual problem.
  • Relationship problems: These can put off a female from communicating her physical needs to her partner.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases: Herpes, gonorrhoea, syphilis, genital warts, are infectious complaints that are spread by sexual contact. They may result in alterations in the genitals that make physical act uncomfortable or even tender.
  • Also, fatigue, chronic diseases like heart problem, diabetes, cancer, liver or kidney disease, neurological problems, hormonal imbalances, alcohol or drug abuse; all these cause may trigger problem in her.

HealthDiva’s All-Natural Sexual Health Tips – For Both Men & Women:

  1. Begin walking: Just half an hour of walking a day helps in restoring sexual performance both in men and women.
  2. Eat right. Go bullish on fruits, dark leafy veggies like spinach, almonds (enriched with nutrients zinc, vitamin E), garlic, oats, and avocado etc.
  3. Slim down: Obesity elevates the risks for secondary causes behind sexual problems. The smaller your waist, the better your reproductive health.
  4. Monitor your vascular health: Keep a regular check on your blood pressure, cholesterol, as well as blood sugar levels. Check with your physician to learn whether your heart, brain, and sexual organ – all are in good shape or requires a tune-up by means of lifestyle changes.
  5. Sexual health counselling: Relationship counselling can be a great help in overcoming a number of relationship troubles, whether you look for help alone or with your spouse you may find it supportive to have somebody to facilitate you as you go through your challenges.

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