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How are supplements helpful in treating or stopping cancer??

How are supplements helpful in treating or stopping cancer??


Supplements serve a fourfold function in the treatment of cancer: detoxification of your body, to stabilize and boost your immune health, provide it with all the essential nutrients, and to kill and target the circulating stem cells and/or tumor cells. These heal and strengthen your body, but also possess cancer-killing properties. Till now, up to 80% of adult cancer patients are consuming a minimum of one dietary supplement. A number of these supplements may be useful and essential while others may in fact be detrimental too. It’s vital to consume them only if you require them for a true deficiency or to help manage the side effects as suggested by your oncologist or oncology dietician. Taking herbs and supplements for cancer won’t just assist you in feeling better, but will literally save your life, for these reasons, anti-cancer nutrients as well as vitamins require being a part of your daily regime, similar to the intake of spinach and salmon. Even though if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments for your cancer, you still have to take supplements for cancer to heal and support your body, as no chemotherapy medication can eradicate circulating tumor cells and circulating stem cells.

How are supplements helpful in treating or stopping cancer??

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Supplements serve a fourfold function in the treatment of cancer: detoxification of your body, to stabilize and boost your immune health, provide it with all the essential nutrients, and to kill and target the circulating stem cells and/or tumor cells. These heal and strengthen your body, but also possess cancer-killing properties. Till now, up to 80% of adult cancer patients are consuming a minimum of one dietary supplement. A number of these supplements may be useful and essential while others may in fact be detrimental too. It’s vital to consume them only if you require them for a true deficiency or to help manage the side effects as suggested by your oncologist or oncology dietician. Taking herbs and supplements for cancer won’t just assist you in feeling better, but will literally save your life, for these reasons, anti-cancer nutrients as well as vitamins require being a part of your daily regime, similar to the intake of spinach and salmon. Even though if you are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatments for your cancer, you still have to take supplements for cancer to heal and support your body, as no chemotherapy medication can eradicate circulating tumor cells and circulating stem cells.

Presently, the supplement industry makes about 30-35 billion dollars annually, similar to any other industry; it looks for a profit making. Let me tell you, if a supplement or a website claims to do the same thing or in excess of a prescription medication, you must be very cynical and doubtful. Also, you must keep away from products that declare to be “miracle cures” with advances or new findings derived from a “secret constituent or secret technique” as there is probably no science to back these claims up. It is always advisable to check the research science behind the supplement and making sure its reliability and quality.

And one such supplement is available at HealthDiva, PHYCOMAX CAPSULE: consisting of Spirulina ext. (Phycocyanin): 200mg; Turmeric ext. (Bio-available Curcumin): 250mg and Black Pepper ext. (Piperine): 5mg. HealthDiva’s Phycomax is a dietary supplement dedicated to help cancer sufferers who are undergoing cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. It is a known promising support in cancer fight. The most researched benefit of Phycocyanin has been the inhibition of oxidative stress. Studies show that consuming Phycocyanin has been proven to reduce all types of free radicals, including peroxyl, hydroxyl, superoxides and alkoxyl. Oxidative stress is thought to be responsible for most of the degenerative disorders. Phycomax is a cancer preventive solution: for cancer forms such as: leukemia (cancer of blood-forming tissues, i.e. white blood cells, delaying the body’s ability to fight infection); liver cancer; colon cancer; breast cancer; cervical cancer; as well as prostate cancer. Phycomax is naturally planned to meet the exclusive requirements of cancer prevention aspects and is presented in high levels of purity, quality and consistency. Zero toxicity and safety profiles of this efficacious and well-researched health supplement; make it an excellent choice for cancer fighting and health-conscious people without any doubt.

The IMPORTANT TAKE-HOME NOTE for you is to take a well balanced, nutritious diet incorporating a number of plant based foods, regular exercise, and consumption of supplements only as per your doctor’s recommendations for a true deficiency and/or to handle the underlying side effects from treatment and for the timing of supplementation. It’s not unusual for people to feel disappointed when such information is shared. One should take all these points positively helpful for making them better.

The good news is there’s a lot more you can do! It’s just a lot easier than a majority of individuals imagine it to be. Make a habit to take in less highly processed foods, consume more plants, eat less processed sugar, consume less red meat, and move more. Nutrition and cancer fighting supplements are a fundamental part of any complete cancer treatment programme, but regardless of the claims on the Internet, no supplement alone eradicates cancer. However, supplements play a key role in cancer treatment, as cancer is frequently trying to overcome whatever you are performing, and supplements can assist you to attack it from several angles. Taking supplements for cancer has been indispensable for a quick recovery, together with detoxification of the body and environment. HealthDiva’s Phycomax capsule is ideal for you to support the immune health, a researched detoxifier and an anti-oxidant, loaded with natural vitamins. We are there to take care of your health!!
