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Korean Ginseng: Benefits Your Body & Mind!!

Korean Ginseng: Benefits Your Body & Mind!!


Nature is packed with magical healing herbs with incredible health benefits. Among them Korean ginseng or “the king of herbs” emerges with its miraculous healing properties. It is a traditional Asian herb, well-known globally for its potential to extend the longevity, uphold a healthy body, and treat a number of health problems including nausea, vomiting, stress, fatigue, ulcers, anxiety, tumours, inflammation, aging, internal degeneration, diabetes, and depression. In actual fact, a majority of herbs treat only one ailment, but this “Korean red ginseng” is constituted with a vast range of applications on health. The root produces and stores phytochemicals, named ginsenoside saponins, exceptional to the ginseng plant with every time of growth. Ginseng grown in Korea is “Mother Nature’s answer that works wonders; it is naturally thicker and is highly constituted with nutrients which refer it as a higher quality product. Korean ginseng delivers noteworthy benefits not only to your physical health, but to your mental health as well.

Korean Ginseng: Benefits Your Body & Mind!!

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Nature is packed with magical healing herbs with incredible health benefits. Among them Korean ginseng or “the king of herbs” emerges with its miraculous healing properties. It is a traditional Asian herb, well-known globally for its potential to extend the longevity, uphold a healthy body, and treat a number of health problems including nausea, vomiting, stress, fatigue, ulcers, anxiety, tumours, inflammation, aging, internal degeneration, diabetes, and depression. In actual fact, a majority of herbs treat only one ailment, but this “Korean red ginseng” is constituted with a vast range of applications on health. The root produces and stores phytochemicals, named ginsenoside saponins, exceptional to the ginseng plant with every time of growth.

Ginseng grown in Korea is “Mother Nature’s answer that works wonders; it is naturally thicker and is highly constituted with nutrients which refer it as a higher quality product. Korean ginseng delivers noteworthy benefits not only to your physical health, but to your mental health as well.

KOREAN GINSENG: The Terrific & Revitalizing ‘Healer’

Presenting you some of the most notable benefits of this herb for your body & mind:

1. Lowers the levels of blood sugar & cholesterol

The modulating effects of Korean ginseng on the immune system have been well-researched in western herbal medicine in order to come across the likely efficacy in defending against colds, flu, and some forms of cancer. Korean ginseng has been largely established to decrease the blood levels of cholesterol and sugar in research studies. For this reason, the herb helps in treating the conditions of type 2 Diabetes as well as high cholesterol.

Also, Ginseng has got a potential to relax the muscles found in lungs, resulting in an airway expansion, helping to alleviate the signs of asthma and other conditions of lungs that occur because of these constricted airways.

2. Energy Booster & Strengthens the Endurance

One of the most familiar benefits of this herb is that it boosts energy. The herb has been immensely used to improve strength and stamina for hundreds of years. Korean ginseng is a valuable option for healthy people who plan to enhance their physical performance together with those handling any disease-based fatigue conditions. The improvement in mental energy that this Ginseng delivers is just smooth, quite contrasting to that of a cup of coffee. But the major benefit is that it won’t make you collapse or stressed out. The herb has been known to boost the energy levels and to lower fatigue in the cancer patients as well; and THAT’S a PLUS-POINT. Also, it is a favourable remedy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

3. Slows Down the Process of Aging

Korean Ginseng is composed of certain anti-aging substances such as antioxidants and insulin-like components that do not exist in any other type of Ginseng. In addition, the herb helps to increase the blood flow to the internal organs, via capillaries which usually reduce in size with a person’s age, allowing for an improved bodily performance and a better health of the body organs.

4. Fights Viral Infections

Studies show that ginseng holds a unique potential to play the role of an “adaptogen”. It helps to prolong life by combating Pseudomonas aeruginosa as well as certain viral infections. Studies have endlessly supported the shielding role of ginseng against anticancer medications and treatments, as well as its capability to neutralize the side effects of a chemotherapy treatment. Apart from this, ginseng can be used to prevent abuse and dependence on opioids as well as psychostimulants.

5. Lowers Stress Levels

Ginseng is good for both relaxing as well as stimulating the person’s nervous system. The herb is known to boost the capillary circulation in brain and lowers down the effects of stress. Even though there are several types of Ginseng available all round the world, you’ll be amused to know that the “Asian ginseng or Korean ginseng” leads the list in relation to its therapeutic effects and constituents. Korean ginseng is composed of around 29 different ginsenosides while the other types are thought to comprise around 8 to 9.

6. Anti-Cancer

Korean Ginseng is crammed with excellent anti-tumour properties and offers a great defence against a few types of cancer such as ovarian, stomach, liver, lung, and pancreatic cancers. Also, ginseng is a great alternative for smokers who have a lower risk of the common cancers associated with smoking as compared to the smokers not consuming it. Also, the herb delivers improved outcomes for patients with breast cancer, such as improved rates of survival as well as an improved quality of life. Korean Ginseng also offers cancer patients an amplified energy plus stimulates their appetite.

7. Boosts Mental Well-Being and Mood

Korean ginseng delivers a relaxed yet attentive frame of mind, somewhat like what you experience after sipping in some green tea. Ginseng benefits reported more often include: a boost in energy and an amplified overall well-being, better love life, better sleep, and an increased personal satisfaction. Ginseng finds its use in the treatment of both anxiety as well as depression.

8. Improves Mental Performance and Memory

Ginseng serves both as a brain booster and protector. The herb has a great potential to boost your mental performance as well as your ability to focus on things. Since it works as an antioxidant, the herb tends to defend the susceptible brain cells from the damage caused due to harmful free radicals. Furthermore, it helps to prevent memory loss and takes care of the mental decline associated with age, or in other words, Korean ginseng root if taken continually for duration of 12 weeks, can improve the mental performance of patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, Korean ginseng has also found to act as a memory booster in case of stroke patients. When Ginkgo biloba and Ginseng are used in combination in the form of a brain supplement, a synergistic effect is built-up, thus improving the short-term memory plus lowering down the ADHD symptoms.

9. Improves Sexual Performance

Traditionally, ginseng has been used to rejuvenate sexual function as well as libido in both males and females. In Chinese medicine, it is considered as an aphrodisiac and is well-accepted for its use to restore the sexual function in males. Also, this form of ginseng has been particularly useful for males with erectile dysfunction, and the herb has found to help in around 60% of the instances. Females can derive benefit from ginseng for correcting their ailing menopause signs, like anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, as well as low libido.

Key to the goodness of Korean ginseng as a sexual health support is its knack to fight stress, help support a healthy blood circulation (in both males and females), together with its role in improving the stamina.

10. Helps in Kicking the Habit

Korean ginseng lowers the feelings of depression and anxiety that arises when a person withdraws the use of certain addictive substances, for example, morphine. Also, it helps in hangover caused by a lot of drinking.

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Thus, Korean ginseng is jam-packed with positive benefits for your mind & body. You can reap the benefits of this astonishing natural healer and feel the perfection in your overall health.

