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Breastfeeding is the most precious gift which you can bestow your newborn with. It is the healthiest natural food for your little one and definitely plays a key role in his/her life. Breast milk is comprised of all the nutrients which babies necessitate for their growth and to stay healthy for a longer duration of time. Mother's milk (or, breast milk) is the first food infant takes from mother, since it offers all the infant's requirements for energy and nutrients all through the initial months of its life. Breast milk contains the ideal balance of nutrients, which is easy for your baby to absorb and can even boost up his/her immune system as it is composed of several disease-fighting and health-promoting elements. Moms can agree that bringing a baby into the world is one of the most amazing feelings, but getting the chance to be the No. 1 source of nourishment for your baby is all the more astonishing. Whilst breastfeeding is a choice that not everybody chooses, it's a profitable alternative for both you and your toddler.


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Breastfeeding is the most precious gift which you can bestow your newborn with. It is the healthiest natural food for your little one and definitely plays a key role in his/her life. Breast milk is comprised of all the nutrients which babies necessitate for their growth and to stay healthy for a longer duration of time. Mother’s milk (or, breast milk) is the first food infant takes from mother, since it offers all the infant’s requirements for energy and nutrients all through the initial months of its life. Breast milk contains the ideal balance of nutrients, which is easy for your baby to absorb and can even boost up his/her immune system as it is composed of several disease-fighting and health-promoting elements.

Moms can agree that bringing a baby into the world is one of the most amazing feelings, but getting the chance to be the No. 1 source of nourishment for your baby is all the more astonishing. Whilst breastfeeding is a choice that not everybody chooses, it’s a profitable alternative for both you and your toddler.

Whether you breastfeed for a day, a year or more, you’ll give yourself and your infant a precious gift. HealthDiva presents a timeline of the key benefits of breastfeeding to keep you encouraged, even when things go harsh:

The Nutritional Content: As mentioned earlier, breastfeeding is nutritional gold for newborns. For beginners, it’s packed with the vitamins, protein and fat your baby requires for growth and development. Colostrum is a yellow secretion that initially comes out of the mother’s breast following delivery and prior to the milk formation. It is composed of antibodies that let your baby to defend against bacteria and viruses, and has been revealed to decrease the risk for respiratory problems, ear infection, diarrhoea, vomiting and more. The mother’s milk also comprises of essential fatty acids necessary to support the development of child’s brain and mental abilities. Also, the laxative effect of Colostrum smoothly clears your baby’s intestine, lowering the possibility of jaundice.

The Mother-baby Bond:

For many moms, crafting a bond with your baby the moment it’s possible is the biggest concern. Breastfeeding delivers an easy way to reinforce the bond between you and your baby. Close eye contact as well as skin-to-skin touching offer your baby a sense of security after leaving the womb.

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It’s safer: Breast milk is free of contaminants. As a breastfed infant does not even necessitate drinking water for hydration, a smaller number of risks exist of taking in pathogens from polluted water. The same way, breast milk is naturally warm and helps in regulating the internal temperature of the little one to keep him healthy regardless of external conditions.

Emotional Wellbeing: Mothers who breastfeed their babies are less inclined towards postpartum anxiety and depression than those who don’t. In addition, this warm bonding with your baby helps you identify your baby’s cues and better meet his/her requirements.

Stronger Bones: Breastfeeding and pregnancy help females store calcium. Studies have confirmed that females who breastfed are less prone to bone problems such as osteoporosis and hip fractures afterwards in life.

Breastfeeding benefits the health of mothers: Breastfeeding is associated with a decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and decreased rates of developing heart problems, hypertension, obesity as well as osteoarthritis.

Breastfeeding is an economical choice: You won’t need to spend time and money on purchasing and quantifying formulas, warming milk bottles or disinfecting nipples. The milk that you express is at the ideal temperature for your infant and trouble-free for him/her to swallow. The time that you spend breastfeeding your baby is in fact the quality time when you lighten up and build up a strong bond with your child.

Signs of Good Breastfeeding:

  • The child’s healthy growth, his/her weight must be compatible with the age and height.
  • You can listen to your baby swallowing.
  • His stool is wet and yellow in colour after first week finishes, and is repeated four to five times or more a day during the first weeks.

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Nutritional Value Breastfeeding offer to toddlers:

29% of his daily energy requirements

75% of Vitamin A needs

60% of Vitamin C needs

43% of protein needs

Be proud of what you’re doing for your little one while feeding him/her with your milk – and that you are providing the best to him/her, there are a bundle of breastfeeding benefits for you as a mom. As you observe your child growing, you’ll discover the benefits all at once in your life. And that’s worth it. If you’re not able to feed your baby, you don’t have to worry, as HealthDiva has a miracle solution for your baby’s lactation needs.

HEALTHDIVA’S LACTIMAXX CAPSULE, Mother Nature’s Answer for Increasing the BREAST MILK SUPPLY!!!

A safe and natural “assist” from HealthDiva’s Herbal Lactating Supplement, Lactimaxx for breast-feeding moms!!! NEW MOMS, if you’re looking for that extra edge to ensure your little one with an inclusive supply of breast milk, this lactation supplement could be just what you’re searching for. The super-combination in HealthDiva’s Lactimaxx contains herbs such as Milk Thistle, Fenugreek, Blessed Thistle, Fennel Seed, Alfalfa and other herbs with a synergistic goal of offering you with an added boost of lactation support. This special capsule comprises of all the tried and tested herbal components (in the proportionate amounts) that have been proven to work time and time again in increasing milk supply in mothers. TWO PER DAY WINS THE RACE: For effective results, take two of these vegan capsules daily.

