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Summer Sniffles ? The Complete Guide to Hammer that Cold Promptly !

Summer Sniffles ? The Complete Guide to Hammer that Cold Promptly !


The arrival of sniffles, sneezes and a stinging throat is awkward at any time of year, particularly in the summer when it’s your holiday season with a nice weather to enjoy. Summer is a favourable time for taking sun baths, swimming, and grilling - not for feeling down with a cold. Thus, to help you fight any colds that crop up in the warmer months, HealthDiva has put together a list of easy home remedies for summer colds. By putting these ideas in place you will promptly be back out in the sunbeams rather than stacked up in bed with a box of tissues beneath your arm!

Summer Sniffles ? The Complete Guide to Hammer that Cold Promptly !

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The arrival of sniffles, sneezes and a stinging throat is awkward at any time of year, particularly in the summer when it’s your holiday season with a nice weather to enjoy. Summer is a favourable time for taking sun baths, swimming, and grilling – not for feeling down with a cold. Thus, to help you fight any colds that crop up in the warmer months, HealthDiva has put together a list of easy home remedies for summer colds. By putting these ideas in place you will promptly be back out in the sunbeams rather than stacked up in bed with a box of tissues beneath your arm!

What is a summer cold?

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Even though there are some similarities between summer and winter colds with respect to the underlying signs and their time duration, there are a number of distinctions as well. Although winter colds comes up due to rhinovirus for instance, summer ones occur because of enterovirus. This may be nastier as it repeatedly brings about flu-like signs including fever, fatigue, stinging throat, sore joints, runny and a clogged nose. It is also common for this virus to re-occur 2-3 times every year meaning that a majority of individuals don’t just experience one summer cold but a series of it.

A summer cold can time and again be flawed for hypersensitivities as the underlying symptoms are almost the same; however, there are a few things that distinguish the two. Allergies often involve watery, itchy and red eyes for example, while summer colds do not. Additionally, allergies are inclined to alter based on things such as weather, pollen count and the number of trees, grass and weeds in the area. Thus, with these things in mind you will be able to differentiate whether or not you are suffering from a summer cold.

Increase your Vitamin C Intake:

This is often publicized as a helpful remedy for colds and flu but why exactly is it? Well, cells of the immune system can build up vitamin C which they need to complete important body functions together with the resistance from viruses. These cells involve phagocytes which swallow damaging foreign particles (such as cold and flu viruses) and T-cells which play a key role in developing immunity. As a result, the immune system depends on vitamin C to work in an effective manner and any shortage in this could wane it.

Vitamin C plays an important role to promote the immune health, resulting in a reduction in the length of your summer cold. Thus, the next question that arises is how can you boost up your vitamin C consumption?

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Well, there is, naturally, a mix of different foods rich in vitamins including oranges, strawberries, pear, kale or broccoli! In order to maximize your vitamin C consumption, you can include some of these things as snacks during the day or into your meals.

Even though there are lots of foods composed of vitamin C, during a cold you may want to enhance your consumption further by trying a supplement. If so, we have a natural supplement for you: HealthDiva’s Sea Buckthorn seed oil capsule that helps in balancing your immune system. The fruit is uniquely overloaded with a range of important vitamins, flavonoid antioxidants as well as essential fatty acids, which reinforce your body’s fight against illnesses such as cold, cough or flu.

Try Echinacea:

Whenever the name colds and flu comes up, then you’ll definitely hear about “Echinacea”! This vivacious plant helps in supporting and strengthening the immune system which, in turn, assist to sustain the body’s resistance to summer colds.

Thus, when the summer sniffles hit, you must definitely give a try to “Echinacea” and HealthDiva’s Echinacea Capsules are a great place to start! These are matchless as they are made from fresh extracts of the Echinacea plant signifying they won’t lose any of their favourable properties during the production process. HealthDiva’s Echinacia is a natural immune support keeps you protected from the ill effects of common cold, flu, cough and seasonal changes by reducing their severity and duration and delivers a wide spectrum of benefits for recovering your resistance. The “Power of Three” Echinacia combines a blend of three Echinacea extracts (Echinacea purpurea extract, Echinacea pallida extract and Echinacea angustifolia extract). Echinacea helps in building body’s natural defence system.

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Drink more and more water:

From maintenance of skin health to kidney function, a high, normal consumption of water is vital for lots of health aspects. Though, during a niggling summer cold, it is all the more important that you imbibe lots of water.

Not only is the weather warmer during summer months, hence causing more sweating and a quicker and greater loss of fluids, moreover cold signs such as a runny nose and sweating can madden the trouble. So, for avoiding dehydration it is a must to replace these fluids with lots of water i.e. 1.5-2 litres (which is the recommended daily intake). Plus keep in mind, drinks such as tea, coffee and alcohol can in fact result in dehydration, so you must avoid these while fighting with your cold symptoms.

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Treat your Nasal Symptoms:

Whether it’s a runny or a clogged nose, summer colds repeatedly result in nasal symptoms. So, with the purpose of treating these you have a couple of alternatives, one of which is to inhale steam. Steam comprises both of heat and water which can effectively thin the mucus in your sinuses and relax your snappy nasal passages.

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Another natural option for treating congestion is usage of ingredients such as menthol, peppermint oil, eucalyptus as well as chamomile oil that exert a soothing effect on the nasal membranes.


Many individuals may find that their summer colds continue longer than a winter one but this is partially to do with the fact that you are more active in the summer months or you don’t give your bodies enough space to get well.

Thus, if you are experiencing a summer cold, try to take time out from your regular exercise regime and ensure you get ample of sleep. And also, just don’t instantly begin to exercise at the first sign that your cold has left – it will take some time to recuperate thoroughly.

Give it time:

A summer cold typically clears up 10 to 14 days after you initially experience signs, you need to give yourself enough time to get better. However, if your signs do not clear up after a duration of 14 days though, do visit your doctor for further advice.

ONE IMPORTANT POINT YOU SHOULD KNOW: And even if it’s tempting to overlook your signs and head outdoors, you must stay inside. If you’re sick, you really shouldn’t be around people. In summers, you never wish to lose out on the fun. But if everyone’s getting together to step out for dinner and you feel, ‘Oh, I can go out, it won’t be so bad,’ you are perhaps infecting everyone at the table and the whole thing around you.

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So, come join hands with us; in order to stave off that ailing common cold – or at least lower its blow until it shoots back into the abyss.

