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As lifestyle is changing rapidly with dearth of time people are getting cautious about their gain in weight and bulging plums. People tend to gain weight in relatively very short span of time either due to dietary habits or can one can blame hectic schedule that does not allow getting into physical exercise or making out time for themselves. To tackle the certain condition one need to check on the obesity keeping a tab via using body fat analysis and measuring obesity either by the device, so that one can exhibit proper follow up and remain strict to curtail the weight gain. Visceral fat level of body fat, body weight and fat percentage skeletal muscle percentage and subcutaneous fat should be under proper scan and fat can only be calculated through these parameters.


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As lifestyle is changing rapidly with dearth of time people are getting cautious about their gain in weight and bulging plums.

People tend to gain weight in relatively very short span of time either due to dietary habits or can one can blame hectic schedule that does not allow getting into physical exercise or making out time for themselves.

To tackle the certain condition one need to check on the obesity keeping a tab via using body fat analysis and measuring obesity either by the device, so that one can exhibit proper follow up and remain strict to curtail the weight gain.

Visceral fat level of body fat, body weight and fat percentage skeletal muscle percentage and subcutaneous fat should be under proper scan and fat can only be calculated through these parameters.

Body monitoring should be followed by:

Segmental body check likely to be full body check, trunk part legs and arms which comprise subcutaneous and skeletal muscle majorly.

  • Body weight
  • Body mass index (BMI)
  • Body fat percentage
  • Subcutaneous fat
  • Skeletal muscle
  • Body age
  • Visceral fat
  • Resting metabolism

These are the parameters should be always in mind while one is following weight management.

Coming to BMI:

Ideal weight you should be following BMI (body mass index)

The basic funda indicates ratio between weight and height of person.

BMI and its Classification

  • Less than 18.5: Underweight
  • 18.5 Or more and less than 25: Normal
  • 25 or more and less than 30: Overweight
  • 30 or more: Obese

Body fat percentage

Fat is necessary as protective sheath for various purposes:

  • For protecting visceral organs.
  • Adipose is nothing but the fat covers integral organs provides cushion and protects from day today robust and insulation.
  • Reserve for food under emergency conditions.

But once the fat condition turns sturdy, it turns out to be vicious causing disorders associated like cardiovascular, diabetic diseases or turn into dreadful.

The level of body fat % varies in gender and individual fat in men and women is always different. You must be thinking of: what is body fat percentage now? Body fat % is the amount of body fat mass in concern with total body weight in percentage.

Now coming to the visceral fat!

Fat associated in the visceral part i.e. abdominal region likely to surround our vital organs. Covers the subcutaneous fat if this fat increases it may lead into diabetic conditions and may lead to increase in cholesterol also one should always keep a check on it. Subcutaneous fat or simply fat below skin that causes distortion of body proportion like getting accumulated under arms and thigh hip region. This type of fat causes heart disorder.

Next is our skeletal muscle which are of two type smooth muscles and skeletal muscle. First one is meant for visceral organs and other one is for skeletal movement. Skeletal muscle helps in physical activities.

Ratio of skeletal muscle

Skeletal muscle ratio (%) = {Skeletal muscle mass (kg) / Body weight (kg)} x 100

For complete fit body one should check metabolism level of the body. Resting metabolism is also one of the important parameter a minimum level of energy is required to sustain the body’s everyday functions.

Age and body: after certain age body and fat % judges health condition and metabolism condition in high age turns slow.

Diet induced thermo genesis is decreased after an age. Basal metabolism is also decreased.

“Natural” and “Moderate”: Concept of obesity solution system

A few individuals are athletic while others are not. Some wish to build up muscle while others wish to lose weight. They all fluctuate in the types of exercise they require, over and above the amount and intensity. Taking this altering demand into consideration, we at HealthDiva have created tips and tricks to tackle obesity issues, which are composed of assessment of body compositions, regulating the lifestyle patterns, followed by designing the customized goals and support to maintain and get done the program. These recommendations will definitely make it possible to successfully build up health by recuperating the lifestyle patterns while incorporating exercise practice in a moderate and natural manner.

Health Risks of Obesity: Being Obese or Overweight – Health Outcomes

The primary concern of overweight and obesity is one of health and not appearance. Obesity is a grim condition accompanied by serious health risks.

Obesity Health Risks – Premature Death

  • An approximate of 300,000 deaths per year may be resulting from the problems of obesity.
  • The risk of death augments with excessive weight.
  • Even moderate or too much weight (10 to 20 pounds for an individual of average height) boosts the risk of death, predominantly among adults aged 30 to 64 years.
  • People who are overweight (having BMI greater than 30) have a 50 to 100% enhanced risk of premature death from all causes, in comparison to people with a healthy weight.

Losing weight isn’t simple – and doing it in a healthy, constant way can make the job feel even simpler. Making little changes day by day is one great way to get started, but it’s vital to bear in mind that just as a weight-loss approach works for someone else, it may not work for you. From drinking more water to turning up a good sound music, pay attention to your never-ending weight-loss goals. And HealthDiva is always there to help you!!!
