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We have just recovered back from the sizzling summer days and it ultimately feels so good to feel the chilly air that cuddles our bodies these days. The days of heat and sweat are certainly months away and the time has come to take out the sweaters and comforters of last year from the suitcases with excitement! Speaking with bias supporting winters, we all know, only our skin is aware of the harsh truth. It is the time for dryness, desiccated broken skin, dry and fragile hair as well as chapped lips as these freezing winter winds and dropping temperatures lessen our skin's moisture levels and drain its natural resistance. Keeping the skin healthy, supple and moisturized during winters is a vital but obligatory job that a majority of individuals take very carelessly. The following tips will surely help your body and yourself totally like the coldness and cuddle into the warmth and tenderness of a comforter relishing the bliss!!

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We have just recovered back from the sizzling summer days and it ultimately feels so good to feel the chilly air that cuddles our bodies these days. The days of heat and sweat are certainly months away and the time has come to take out the sweaters and comforters of last year from the suitcases with excitement! Speaking with bias supporting winters, we all know, only our skin is aware of the harsh truth. It is the time for dryness, desiccated broken skin, dry and fragile hair as well as chapped lips as these freezing winter winds and dropping temperatures lessen our skin’s moisture levels and drain its natural resistance. Keeping the skin healthy, supple and moisturized during winters is a vital but obligatory job that a majority of individuals take very carelessly. The following tips will surely help your body and yourself totally like the coldness and cuddle into the warmth and tenderness of a comforter relishing the bliss!!

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Now, let’s have a look on the HEALTHDIVA’S tips your skin will love:

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

In winters, we do not feel thirsty generally and thus end up taking less than the required amount of water for keeping the skin hydrated. Take care to keep a water bottle near you all the time and wilfully sip from it every couple of hours. Also, you can swap water with hot, herbal teas that helps keeping you fresh and warm the entire day.

Winter care

Moisturize yourself:

Moisturizer is the only God for your skin in winters. A good moisturizer keeps your skin hydrated for a long time and wards off cracking, prickliness and dryness of skin. Still the oiliest skin seems to dehydrate during winter days. Thus, it becomes important to always carry a bottle or tube of moisturizer throughout the intact season. A moisturizer helps in retaining skin moisture and shine, alleviating skin irritation, preventing clogging up of pores and is just appropriate for anybody more than 3 months of age. Also, richer body lotions will be a great help to put a stop to the bumpy skin cracking or dryness issues. And if you suppose your skin requires an additional kick over that facial moisturizer, look into spending in a defensive cream like a night cream for an additional protection.

Endless numbers of choices of moisturizers are readily available in the market and they smell great too, but go for products that are either herbal or branded ones. So lather up!

Winter skin care

For individuals with oily skin type, making use of moisturizer is a great deal as it exacerbates the problem and makes the face resemble as if dipped in oil!! MOISTURIZER promises an extensive skin defence and can be used as recurrently as one per one’s wishes all over the body during winters. Thus, select the right product for you and ensure its regular use until the season ends.

No sunscreen?? Don’t make a mistake:

If you are under the belief that sun screens are only for summers, then you are totally incorrect. The external temperature has nothing to do with the intensity of the sun’s UV rays. Harmful UV rays are present all year-round, and can impair your skin. It is must to use a good sun screen while you step out of the covered areas even in winters. winter skin care

Nowadays, good SPF’s are available enriched with Vitamin E, known to fight all the signs of anti-ageing, prevents tanning, thereby decreasing the possibilities of skin darkening and thus, provides abundant protection all through the day.

winter skin care

A good sunscreen is composed of active substances which offer a cellular protection to the skin with plentiful hydration.

Chapped lips:

Lips are very delicate organs and most likely get influenced first on the commencement of winter. Lips can go dried up and have cuts and at times bleed due to the dryness. You can try applying ghee, oil or butter to the lips and keep it soaked in the overnight. Throughout the day time, make a practice to carry a lip balm or a petroleum jelly and keep reapplying every few hours. These gels or balms greatly help in retaining moisture and keeps your lips soft and supple.

  1. Proper Winter-Diet:

Conventional winter time foods helps present some positive calories and nutrition. Foods profuse in omega-3s fatty acids such as fish and nuts, in addition, fruits and seasonal green leafy veggies are just ideal for your skin. Try to avoid sugar or starches that may be a reason for the incidence of wrinkles, acne, or eczema.

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  1. Cleansing:

Cleansing is extra vital during winters as regular cleansing two times per day promises deeper and richer nourishment for your skin. Double cleansing your face is very helpful, predominantly at night, as the first wash takes away any surface oil, makeup or SPF defence while the subsequent cleaning effectively cleanses your real skin.

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  1. Stay Active:

It’s important to stay physically active and exercise daily even if the weather is not favourable for it. Regular exercise and mild physical activity helps to improve blood circulation and makes your skin glowing.

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Our skin keeps telling us about its daily needs, just like we tell our parents what we need for the day. But, the main problem lies within us, that we just fail to pay attention. Roughness in skin, white marks on the skin when you by mistake run your nails tenderly across the skin, itchiness and tarnished patches in few areas, are all the common effects of extensive dryness. Just Don’t Forget to Listen to your Skin!

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Winter is truly a pleasant time to nestle into warm, cosy clothes, enjoy hot food and wait for the New Year to advance newer experiences. Stop letting little things trouble you. Cover yourself up if you want to go out in the cold and dress in proper insulators in order to keep your body warm. Always make time for your basic skin care regimes and get pleasure from the coldness!!

Drape that Scarf Around, Zip Up your Woollens, & Bid Good-Bye to Dryness!!
