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Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!


Acai is a type of palm derived from South America and exclusively along the Amazon Basin. The fruit is composed of a number of biologically active compounds that are linked to numerous health benefits. These compounds are jointly referred to as flavonoids. While some particular flavonoid compounds includes anthocyanins as well as proanthocyanidins. In addition, the berry is constituted with specific fatty acids. Flavonoids are nothing but powerful antioxidant agents that help in defending the body from the damage that may result due to freely circulating free radicals. Also, it has been shown in a few studies that these free radicals are known to support the efficacy of antioxidants.

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

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Acai is a type of palm derived from South America and exclusively along the Amazon Basin. The fruit is composed of a number of biologically active compounds that are linked to numerous health benefits. These compounds are jointly referred to as flavonoids. While some particular flavonoid compounds includes anthocyanins as well as proanthocyanidins.

In addition, the berry is constituted with specific fatty acids. Flavonoids are nothing but powerful antioxidant agents that help in defending the body from the damage that may result due to freely circulating free radicals. Also, it has been shown in a few studies that these free radicals are known to support the efficacy of antioxidants.

Nutritional profile of Acai Berries:

Acai Berries are constituted with a number of vitamins including Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. The berries also contain certain vital minerals comprising calcium, sodium, potassium, and iron. These minerals help in promoting the health of joints, bones, heart and helps in preventing anemic conditions. The antioxidant effects of Acai help in supporting a healthy skin against environmental or body-induced high free radicals that help in avoiding premature ageing of the skin.

In addition, Acai berries have been used as aphrodisiacs and Acai is thought to work as aphrodisiac by improving the blood circulation. An impaired blood flow is one of the major reasons behind sexual health disorders such as erectile dysfunction.

So, now let’s quickly jump to the health benefits and see what Acai berry can do for your body.

1. Energy Booster

Acai berry has received the title of a “superfood” owing to its ability of boosting the energy levels and recovering one’s complete health state. Their high vitamin and mineral content suggest Acai to be a great energy source for an active individual.

2. Supports a healthier vision

Accountable for the vision-boosting effects of the Acai berry is the rich amount of vitamin A existing in this fruit. This micronutrient keeps the eyes in good physical shape and adds to a more beautiful skin as well.

3. Improves mental sharpness

Besides supporting the working of the nervous system owing to high amounts of nutrients, Acai berry also deliver a compound named pterostilbene, found to reverse the effects of aging on brain’s working and to perk up mental attentiveness. Also, the herb is known to lower down physical and mental fatigue.

4. Augments nutrients absorption

Acai berry helps the body absorb more nutrients by adding to the elimination of toxins from tissues as well as blood flow. In addition, being packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamin A, C, B1, B2, B3 and E, it augments the complete health state and rejuvenates the body.

5. Decreases the inflammation

Acai berry is found to be rich in fatty acids that let the neurotransmitters, hormones and insulin receptors in our body to function in a more effective manner. This lowers the incidence of the risk of inflammation. Moreover, the antioxidant constituents in Acai help in fighting against the damaging effects of free radicals, checking off the damage as a result of these byproducts and thus, the inflammatory processes gets activated by the free radicals.

6. Fights cancer

Another incredible benefit due to the high amount of antioxidants in Acai refers to the ability of these tiny fruits to prevent and manage certain forms of cancer. Acai berries are thought to be 10 times richer in antioxidants as compared to grapes, and are composed of twice the amount of cancer-combating compounds offered by blueberries.

7. Supports weight loss

By delivering digestive fibers and boosting the absorption of nutrients, Acai berries add to a healthier digestion, in other words, contributing to a more proficient conversion of carbohydrates and fats to energy. As the body begins to use the stored lipids in a more effectual way, the fat layers present beneath the skin decrease their thickness contributing to a lower body fat percentage as well as a lower body weight. What is more, the anthocyanins present in Acai berry appear to check the accumulation of fats, making a person less prone to gain added weight.

8. Slows down aging

By means of its trace minerals and amino acids, Acai berry keeps the muscles vigorous & lively and helps in their renewal after physical effort, checking off the characteristic muscle weakness that crops up in elders. Together with this, it contains an ample amount of fatty acids entering the cell membranes, improving their elasticity and helping the cells – including those in skin – to work in an improved manner. All together, these effects impede the onset of the characteristic symptoms of aging.

9. Regulates blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Packed with omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids in addition to large amounts of proteins and fibers, Acai berry helps in lowering down the levels of LDL cholesterol and regulating the blood sugar values, adding to a healthier circulation as well as a lowered risk of diabetes and heart conditions.

10. Strengthens immunity

As mentioned above, Acai berries are found rich in antioxidants and are known as very powerful immunity-enhancers. One capsule of Acai berry supplement helps in keeping you away from ailments and strengthens your immunity, helping your body fight more proficiently against bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens.

Thus, give a chance to this nutritional supplement, HealthDiva’s BerryBlast capsule, rich in nutrients, available online at HealthDiva store ( Just give it a try and I guarantee you’ll enjoy the Acai experience definitely!
