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It’s Lung Awareness Month!

It’s Lung Awareness Month!


November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a key time to get people talking in relation to the world’s leading cancer killer. A considerable fraction (above 25%) of cancer deaths can be credited to lung cancer. It’s a prime reason for deaths in comparison to other types of cancers jointly: breast, colon, and prostate cancers. At HealthDiva, we aspire to offer an added awareness regarding lung cancer and what can be executed to help prevent it.

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

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November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a key time to get people talking in relation to the world’s leading cancer killer. A considerable fraction (above 25%) of cancer deaths can be credited to lung cancer. It’s a prime reason for deaths in comparison to other types of cancers jointly: breast, colon, and prostate cancers. At HealthDiva, we aspire to offer an added awareness regarding lung cancer and what can be executed to help prevent it.

November is “Lung Cancer Awareness Month,” an effort created to help spread more awareness to overcome this fatal disorder and the efforts being executed to fight it. At HealthDiva, we wish for promoting Lung Cancer Awareness and help our local communities become more attentive of lung cancer and the treatment and prevention alternatives obtainable for them.

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If you are falling in the age range of 55 to 80 years and have a history of heavy smoking, you are in the high-risk group for lung cancer and must receive yearly lung cancer screenings. Studies have found that a repeated contact to environmental risks including asbestos and radon can also augment your hazards of lung cancer. Radon, a radioactive gas, gets liberated during the general decay process of specific elements (for instance, uranium) which are present in the soil and several rocks. This radioactive gas can leach into homes through the ground and can even dissolve into groundwater. Though radon naturally exists in small levels in the outdoors, regions that include any form of ventilation can help to enhance the density of radon as well as add to the enhanced risks of lung cancer.

Throughout the initial phases of lung cancer, one might not experience any signs or symptoms. It is characteristically in the later phases of lung cancer that patients feel signs. If you display any of the following signs, you must call your physician right away:

  • A constant cough that deteriorates after a while
  • Hoarseness or puffing sensation
  • Continually experiencing weakness or fatigue
  • Chest pain that gets worsened with coughing, breathing, or laughing
  • Recurrent lung infections (pneumonia or bronchitis)
  • Coughing up blood
  • Difficult breathing
  • Loss of appetite or anorexia

While these signs might not mean you are suffering from lung cancer, it is vital to visit your physician as the earlier the diagnosis, the more successful treatment will be. The low dose CT scan is the most efficient screening method in early detection of lung cancer. A CT scan merges the utility of X-rays with advanced computer technology in order to guarantee the most precise and achievable diagnosis.

We here at HealthDiva, urge our patients to be proactive in their health and to take a good care of their lungs with the help of natural dietary supplements. HealthDiva’s Phycomax is one such health supplement. It contains Spirulina ext. (Phycocyanin): 200mg; Turmeric ext. (Bio-available Curcumin): 250mg and Black Pepper ext. (Piperine): 5mg. This particular formula is dedicated to help cancer sufferers who are undergoing cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation. It is a known promising support in cancer fight. The most researched benefit of Phycocyanin has been the inhibition of oxidative stress. Studies show that consuming Phycocyanin has been proven to reduce all types of free radicals, including peroxyl, hydroxyl, superoxides and alkoxyl. Oxidative stress is thought to be responsible for most of the degenerative disorders.

Phycomax is a cancer preventive solution: for cancer forms such as: lung cancer, leukemia, breast cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer; cervical cancer; as well as prostate cancer. Phycomax is naturally planned to meet the exclusive requirements of cancer prevention aspects and is presented in high levels of purity, quality and consistency. Zero toxicity and safety profiles of this efficacious and well-researched health supplement; make it an excellent choice for cancer fighting and health-conscious people without any doubt.

Now, let’s see what all can you do in order to reduce your risk of lung cancer?

  • Don’t ever begin smoking, and if you do smoke, you must quit the habit of smoking. Cigarette smoking is the primary risk factor for the occurrence of lung cancer. Studies have found that individuals who smoke cigarettes are practically 15 to 30 times more prone to get diagnosed with lung cancer or pass away from lung cancer in comparison to those who do not smoke.
  • Test your home for radon content. If you reside in vicinity where radon is identified to be an issue, get the radon levels in your home cross-checked.
  • Avoid the use of damaging carcinogens at your place of work. If your job exposes you to poisonous chemicals, it is a must to wear a face mask while working at all times. Follow any other safety measures your employer provides you in order to defend yourself from the detrimental exposure.
  • Exercise. Exercising on a regular basis will always keep your lungs strong and healthy.
  • It is very important to have a healthy nutritious diet. A diet packed with fruits and veggies is rich in all the essential nutrients and vitamins that help protect against cancerous cells.

Getting Involved & Combating Lung Cancer with HealthDiva:

So, just go through the above stated ways to get involved in Lung Cancer Awareness Month. From consulting local healthcare professionals for the purpose of using social media, whether you’re an entity or a member of a big organization, you can get occupied in both small and huge ways. The only means that Lung Cancer Awareness Month will have a noteworthy impact is if each one makes an effort to get occupied in any way that they can.

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We are there to estimate your risk level with lung cancer and help you lessen your risk of getting lung cancer. The old saying that quitters never win is not always correct. People who quit the habits triggering lung cancer are the winners. You can do it! You can raise awareness by sharing the facts regarding lung cancer on social media, and joining informative pages as it’s the right time to raise our voices and spread awareness!!
