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Why is Yoga Good for Your Eyes!

Why is Yoga Good for Your Eyes!


We consume and drink so much processed foods and beverages (and love them) each day, that exercising (ugh) becomes crucial in order to keep your body fit and in good health. Just like processed food is to the body, undue screen time on TV’s, laptops, and phones (which we love) is to your eyes (oh damn). It is just as important to exercise your eyes, as it is to exercise your body! Below are listed five easy exercises for your eyes (and you won’t even need to do the Surya-Namaskar!) that you can perform at your workplace, at home, or at whatever time your eyes feel strained out. I know, definitely your digitally-strained eyes will definitely thank me for this!

Why is Yoga Good for Your Eyes!

We consume and drink so much processed foods and beverages (and love them) each day, that exercising (ugh) becomes crucial in order to keep your body fit and in good health. Just like processed food is to the body, undue screen time on TV’s, laptops, and phones (which we love) is to your eyes (oh damn). It is just as important to exercise your eyes, as it is to exercise your body! Below are listed five easy exercises for your eyes (and you won’t even need to do the Surya-Namaskar!) that you can perform at your workplace, at home, or at whatever time your eyes feel strained out. I know, definitely your digitally-strained eyes will definitely thank me for this!

Yoga asanas are identified to perk up the running of our body organs. Yoga also happens to have a chain of exercises that are really helpful for improving the working of our eyes. These exercises are a great help in overcoming a variety of eye-allied issues like short sightedness and long sightedness.

Did you know?

Apart from a few eye conditions such as cataract or glaucoma, which take place owing to bacterial infections, a number of eye disorders are associated with the broken working of the ocular muscles that may be resulting from chronic emotional and mental tension. Yoga practices for the eyes significantly help to relieve eye disorders including myopia and hypermetropia that result from the defects in the eye muscles.

Just blink – yoga exercises for your eyes

A few yoga exercises are as uncomplicated as blinking, and nevertheless so powerful. We are liable to forget to blink while browsing for lengthy hours on our electronic devices. Easy exercises such as blinking can make your eyes stronger as well as healthier.



Rub your palms together for numerous seconds and set your palms on your eyes for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. Right away, you’ll feel little fresh henceforth. (This is like when your yoga trainer requests you to take deep breaths prior to beginning your class). 


This asana causes your ocular muscles to stretch. In addition, it stops you from staring at your computer all day, which a majority of individuals do. This exercise is done by placing your face in straight direction, and then looking up so far as you can without stirring your head. After that, look down. Up, down, up, down slowly and gradually. And then, look at your top right – go as far to the boundary of your vision. After that, look at bottom left, and alternate the two again. And in the end, look top left and alternate with bottom right for a few times.

You will experience a slight strain but that’s all right. This may be because you haven’t stretched your eyes much before, identical to when you stretch your body after a long time and experience an insignificant pull.


This asana is a relaxation exercise and is lot simpler on your eyes. Cup your hands over your eyes in horizontal direction and impose mild pressure around your orbital bone – or the bone in the region of the eye socket with your little finger. With your eyes closed, watch the blackness as if you are looking into space. Distinguish how far you are able to concentrate into the distance. Let all the left over colours to fade to black. This aids to “retune” your vision, letting your eyes to soothe completely and lubricate well-again. You can perform this for as long as you like.


This asana is quite easy: you just need to blink, somewhat like breathing in yoga! Too much exposure to TV or computer can result in dry eyes, which may bring about red eyes, hazy vision, strain on the eyes and headache. This is due to the rate of average blink falls down from 16-20 blinks per minute to 6-8 blinks per 60 seconds while absorbed in the screen. Thus, in order to avoid strain and dehydration in the eyes while making use of the screen, just blink more and be more aware of when you’ve stopped blinking. This will help in lubricating the eye and making your brain feel refresh and ready to accept new visual data.


If you wear glasses, take them off while carrying out this exercise. Put your thumb near to your face and concentrate on it. After some seconds, position your other thumb at arm’s length and concentrate on that. After a few seconds, concentrate on something across the room, and few seconds after that, something placed external to the window. All the four points must be alongside the same line thus you can faintly modify your focus. Perform this again beginning from your thumb, which is near to you and carry on for a couple of times. This exercise is just perfect for vision perfection and eye focus, similar to balancing in yoga.


This exercise is superb if you suffer from aging vision or far-sightedness. You just need to grasp your thumb out at arm’s distance and concentrate on it. Then draw it in until it’s about 3 inches facing your eyes, sustaining a wide focus all the while. After that, move your thumb out again. Perform this for some more minutes and you will build up your concentration skills (also called as accommodation). This is similar to stretching your eyes, much like performing the concluding stretches subsequent to yoga or a workout session.

Later to performing these exercises, you need to rub your palm for a number of seconds and put them on your eyes again or just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. This will let your eyes to cool down and rest, much like Savassan!

For an improved eye-care, you can perform these exercises for approx. three times in a week, and believe me you’ll definitely observe an improvement in your vision, and feel less eye-weariness!

Practice all these yoga exercises for 10 to 15 minutes on a daily basis and keep your eyes safe and healthy devoid of any complications.
