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Natural Pomegranate Compound in the quest for Alzheimer’s cure

Natural Pomegranate Compound in the quest for Alzheimer’s cure


Plants and their products are universally used in the cure of ailments since ancient times. Here, we have combined the insight of ancient traditions and the power of healing the body via “NATURE’S BLISS”. And you’ll be amazed to know that there is more reason than ever to love “POMEGRANATES” or to start loving them if you don’t. That’s for the reason a new study established that Pomegranates may really help protect your brain and even be a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The start of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s can be delayed and a few of its signs curtailed by a natural compound present in one of the rich fruits, i.e. Pomegranate. In addition, the painful inflammation that goes together with ailments including Parkinson’s disease as well as Rheumatoid arthritis could be decreased with the anti-inflammatory properties of natural products.

Natural Pomegranate Compound in the quest for Alzheimer’s cure

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Plants and their products are universally used in the cure of ailments since ancient times. Here, we have combined the insight of ancient traditions and the power of healing the body via “NATURE’S BLISS”. And you’ll be amazed to know that there is more reason than ever to love “POMEGRANATES” or to start loving them if you don’t. That’s for the reason a new study established that Pomegranates may really help protect your brain and even be a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. The start of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s can be delayed and a few of its signs curtailed by a natural compound present in one of the rich fruits, i.e. Pomegranate. In addition, the painful inflammation that goes together with ailments including Parkinson’s disease as well as Rheumatoid arthritis could be decreased with the anti-inflammatory properties of natural products.

The chemical compound present in the pomegranate rind is named as punicalagin, and researchers believe it helps in curtailing the progression of neurological ailments like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by treating the inflammation in the brain. Punicalagin is formed by the oxidative linkages between Gallic acid or galloyl groups on the Penta Gallo L glucose. On the other hand, the hallmark of Punicalagin is its gigantic “Anti-Oxidant property”, with its antioxidant content three times higher than that present in Red Wine and Green Tea. It is this trait that makes this compound a much sought-after one.

Little about Pomegranate:

Pomegranate (Punica gratum) is a fruit widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of several ailments including diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. Pomegranate contains four major plant-based compounds counting with, Anthocyanins, Gallic Acid, Ellagic Acid, and Punicalagin.

Role of Punicalagin in Alzheimer’s disease:

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A polyphenol named punicalagin – present in pomegranate fruit, has a powerful property of blocking the inflammation resulting in specific brain cells called micrologia. In the brain, microglial cells are present in the macrophages of the brain as well as spinal cord. They work as the first and foremost form of active immune defence in the CNS. If there results an inflammation in the microglial cells, it leads to the damage of more and more brain cells making the condition of Alzheimer’s victims gradually inferior.

One of the major reasons behind AD is the presence of a free radical named, Peroxynitrite (ONOO-). This free radical blocks the release and synthesis of neurotransmitters concerned with the short-term memory, mood, sleep, social recognition and awareness. As a result, this compound helps in the prevention of neuronal regeneration leading to a considerable loss of neurons. But Anti-Oxidants like Punicalagin helps by blocking the production of Peroxynitrites or even slowing down the onset of Alzheimer’s. The inflammation of the microglial cells can also be suppressed by this biological compound acquired from Pomegranate rind. There is still no proper cure for the disorder, but the punicalagin present in pomegranate is thought to prevent it or slow down its development. The quest for a cure for AD remains but the findings of punicalagin’s favourable effects holds out a positive hope that the commencement of neurodegeneration could be checked or its development could be delayed.

Do you know that a constant consumption of pomegranate display a lot of health benefits, including prevention of neuro-inflammation associated with dementia, thus lots of doctors recommend taking Pomegranate supplements comprising of active principle, punicalagin: a compound known to slow down the progression of dementia.

Researchers state that most of the anti-oxidant compounds are present in the outer skin of the pomegranate, not in the soft part of the fruit. And it is scientifically found that; pomegranate is helpful in any medical condition for which inflammation – not just neuro-inflammation – is a causal factor, such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and Parkinson’s disease.

Now, let’s have a quick look at the role of Punicalagin in various forms of cancer. Punicalagin has shown a noteworthy efficiency in increasing the “Prostate specific antigen”, as found in a research study. And the study delivers a new approach of this compound to tackle Prostate Cancer. Gut microbiota forms a biological compound named “Urolithins” obtained from Ellagic Acid and other Ellagitannins and established its use in Colorectal Cancer as well.

Other natural compounds used for similar purposes:

Except for Punicalagin, several other phenolic compounds exert powerful anti-inflammatory properties. A study revealed that Tumerone, an aromatic Turmeric-based compound helps the brain to self-repair itself. This property of Tumerone can be used as the basis for treating and managing certain neuro-degenerative ailments like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s as well as Huntington’s disease. Curcumin, a methoxy phenol derived from Ginger (Zingiberaceae) is also thought to be a sure-shot remedy for Alzheimer’s and cancer.

Now, coming back to Punicalagin: let me tell you why is Punicalagin preferable?

Punicalagin is water soluble and has a greater bio-availability, which implies that the body experiences a slight difficulty in breaking it down. It is possibly an inhibitor of enzyme named, Carbonic Anhydrase. It has been thought to decrease platelet aggregation and naturally lower blood pressure, aspects that checks both stroke and heart attack. No toxic effects have been reported till now. Plus the compound has again and again exhibited powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties too.

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Thus, POMEGRANATES ARE JUST EQUIVALENT TO ANY NATURAL NEUROPROTECTIVE! If you don’t believe in the power of herbal medicine, I am sure this blog will help change your mind and perceptions! They do work!!

It’s not the first time that research studies have laid emphasis on the benefits of pomegranate, which in other studies has demonstrated to facilitate break down of the plaques in the brain that result in the disease. And let me tell you, it never hurts to add a little more fruit to your diet. And having said that, the compound’s success comes as a welcome progress! Awaken from Alzheimer’s & regain your brain!

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