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Hair loss During Menopause… Learn what causes it & How to stop it !!

Hair loss During Menopause Learn what causes it How to stop it !!


Losing huge bunch of hair all these days? Many women have contacted me since past few days and are extremely worried about this hair fall problem during their later ages. It is in fact a very common sign, and is also a very alarming and stressful one. So, I wanted to give a closer look at the concern as to why hair loss happens during menopause and how to avoid it. Now, our hair is so essential to all of us. It's our uttermost beauty. It's a prime part of who we are and represents out identity; makes us different from others. And I get queries from a lot many women as they are really disappointed and anxious, as their hair begins to change. Actually it’s a common symptom cropping up in the menopause. So now, I'm going to spread some light on the hopeful ways to minimise this particular condition. First of all, before beginning, let’s see various areas from where you can lose hair during menopause. These include your head, eyebrows, your eyelashes, underarm hair, your pubic as well as your leg hair. These are the areas that mostly get affected.

Hair loss During Menopause… Learn what causes it & How to stop it !!

Image result for How to prevent hair loss during menopause

Losing huge bunch of hair all these days? Many women have contacted me since past few days and are extremely worried about this hair fall problem during their later ages. It is in fact a very common sign, and is also a very alarming and stressful one.

So, I wanted to give a closer look at the concern as to why hair loss happens during menopause and how to avoid it.

Now, our hair is so essential to all of us. It’s our uttermost beauty. It’s a prime part of who we are and represents out identity; makes us different from others. And I get queries from a lot many women as they are really disappointed and anxious, as their hair begins to change.

Actually it’s a common symptom cropping up in the menopause. So now, I’m going to spread some light on the hopeful ways to minimise this particular condition.

First of all, before beginning, let’s see various areas from where you can lose hair during menopause. These include your head, eyebrows, your eyelashes, underarm hair, your pubic as well as your leg hair. These are the areas that mostly get affected.

Hormones and your hair:

For most people, it’s the hormones or the declining levels of hormones that’s resulting into this certain problem. Your hormones: oestrogen and progesterone assist in promoting your hair growth throughout your fertile years.

Thus, with a reduction in the hormones, as you draw near the menopausal age, enter the menopause, and after the menopause too, this can exert a direct effect on your hair. It will take a whole lot time to grow, and get thick as well as it tends to be thinner.

How can you stop hair loss during menopause?

You might be thinking now how can I fight my problem? Take a look at your hormonal balance. As you enter the peri-menopause phase, if your hormones are beginning to alter, then you must know that it’s the sort of start of the menopause state.

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You must balance your hormones appropriately by including supplements like any Powerful Menopause Support in your diet. And, Black Cohosh may be one great addition; coming from the house of HealthDiva.

HealthDiva’s Black Cohosh caps (30 Capsules pack) – with mild estrogen-like activity – Helpful during menopause – Easy to Swallow Capsules!

Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) is a well-accepted natural therapy for menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, depression, abnormal or heavy bleeding. It is a great help for your monthly hormonal changes or discrepancies and falls in hormone levels.

Other Things That Help Prevent Hair Loss:

Stress Management:

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The other aspect which is truly important is to lower down stress levels, and as I say every time I have a discussion about stress, “Who isn’t worried during menopause?” It can play a wide role in your hormonal imbalance issue, thus lessening stress can exert a positive impact on all forms of health problems, including how good and how healthy your hair can be.

Love your liver:

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Pay attention to your liver function. And, again, I’m talking about care on a regular basis. Your liver plays a big role in maintaining hormonal balance, and if your liver is strained, that can directly affect the health of your hair, as well.

Be kind to your hair:

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You know, during this age and day, we are in fact brutal to our hair, with all these harmful artificial sprays, and heating instruments, including hair straighteners and hair dryers. Now just watch what you’re doing with your hair making your hair thinner and a little frailer.

Go natural:

Stay aware of things you’re putting on your hair, what type of shampoos you’re using? What type of gels, or any styling products you’re using? There is a huge mix of chemicals that is settling on your hair and on your scalp, maybe for at least 18 to 24 hours a day; and that can result into difficulties too. Your scalp may also get very, very susceptible. A prickly scalp is another one of those practically common menopause signs.

So, just go as natural as you can, and try and avoid using chemicals on your hair on a daily basis. Your hair deserve a little bit of a rest!

Drink plenty of water:

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Look at your water consumption, as dehydration directly affects the quality of your hair too. Just remember loads and loads of plain water.

Eat well:

Very important thing is to eat well. Your nutritional needs must reach sky-high during your menopausal phase. All the internal changes going inside the body demand lots of nutrition, and if you’re not getting enough, then the primary things to go are your hair, your skin and your nails. If your hair begins to suffer, then pay attention to your diet. Are you getting an adequate amount of protein? You require more protein during menopausal days, and a plenty of protein for good hair growth.

Image result for fermented soya foods, tempeh, miso, and possibly some types of fermented tofu

One dietary tip: Also, you must start eating fermented soya foods, tempeh, miso, and possibly some types of fermented tofu too. Rush to your nearby supermarket, and always keep these products at your home!

Vitamins which are good for hair loss during menopause:

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Essential fatty acids like flaxseed oil or fish oils can be superb for hair, so worth including into your daily regime. Have you ever wondered, are getting enough iron? Low iron… if you are approaching your menopause and facing a lot of heavy or prolonged periods, you can end up with low iron which can very quickly impinge on your health. So, watch your iron levels along with zinc and Vitamin A, which are other important nutrients for hair.

You can try…

HealthDiva’s Flax Seed Oil Capsules

HealthDiva’s Omega Flax Oil is one of the richest sources of plant-based Omega fatty acids: Alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega 3). It helps to support hair and skin health apart from other uses as well.


HealthDiva’s Sea Buckthorn oil Capsules

Consists of omega-3 and 7 fatty acids as well as calcium and Vitamins A, C, E! Maintains overall health and energy! It is a good antioxidant and helps to boost immunity. Extremely beneficial for hair and skin! Obtained from non-GMO flax seeds and cold pressed to maintain purity, these flax seed oil capsules contain a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids – which are essential for maintaining healthy hair.

Just add these pure supplements to your daily regime and make some positive changes.

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I hope this will surely help you. Just try and comment on our comment section as well! We would love to hear from you, so please let us know.

Have a good day ahead!!
