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Sugar getting bigger! Moderate with HealthDiva Tips !!

Sugar getting bigger! Moderate with HealthDiva Tips !!


Do you think your blood sugar level is under control? Does this look like an easy matter? If you feel that this query has a basic answer, in that case, you are wrong. The answer may differ totally from individual to individual. Every individual has a different level of blood sugar and it can be modified according to the food you take in and the health condition you are experiencing. Thus basically, the key element of diabetic management is to understand the range of blood sugar levels. So, first of all, we must be aware of how any individual experiences a diabetic condition and what you can do to control diabetes at home?

Sugar getting bigger! Moderate with HealthDiva Tips !!

Do you think your blood sugar level is under control? Does this look like an easy matter? If you feel that this query has a basic answer, in that case, you are wrong. The answer may differ totally from individual to individual. Every individual has a different level of blood sugar and it can be modified according to the food you take in and the health condition you are experiencing. Thus basically, the key element of diabetic management is to understand the range of blood sugar levels. So, first of all, we must be aware of how any individual experiences a diabetic condition and what you can do to control diabetes at home?

All about Diabetes:

Diabetes is one the most widespread chronic lifestyle illness these days, affecting millions of people. In diabetes, your blood glucose or sugar level goes way too elevated than normal level. The diet you consume provides you glucose. Normally, your pancreas secretes a hormone named insulin when the level of blood glucose rises above normal and it takes up the excess glucose until the sugar level returns to the normal level. While in the diabetic patient, his or her body fails to make insulin or stops responding to it normally. There are two types of diabetes:

• Type 1 Diabetes: In this condition, the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin. About 10% of all diabetes cases belong to this type. Providing an external source of insulin together with controlling the diet will help you in recovering the Type 1 Diabetes condition.

• Type 2 Diabetes: The body is unable to produce an adequate amount of insulin for proper function or body cells are not able to react to insulin (phenomena called insulin resistance). Roughly 90% of all diabetes cases worldwide are type 2. Some patients may regulate their type 2 diabetes signs by following a healthy diet, losing weight, performing ample of exercise, and regularly monitoring their blood sugar levels.

Exercise and diet remains the hallmark for managing this particular endocrine disorder, chiefly from prevention of illness in early phase in order to handle its complications in the advanced stage. Combining together the regimen of diet and exercise augments the overall profits. The major cause behind the occurrence of diabetes is pancreas (important gland in the body responsible for insulin secretion) dysfunction. Other reasons include poor lifestyle (lack of exercise, overeating, increased consumption of fats and proteins), genetics, obesity and stress.

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Diabetes Symptoms:

Diabetes is exemplified by symptoms including fatigue, excessive thirst, urination, sweating, weight loss or weight gain, hunger, bruises or cuts that do not heal.

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To begin with effective blood sugar control, you must know the normal blood sugar level in both the types. Refer the below plan for your convenience.

Blood Sugar Range Healthy Individual Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
Fasting Blood Sugar Between 4.0 to 5.4 mmol/L (72- 99 mg/dL) 4 to 7 mmol/L (72- 126 mg/dL) 4 to 7 mmol/L (72- 126 mg/dL)
2 Hours After Eating Upto 7.8 mmol/L (140 mg/dL) Under 9 mmol/L (162 mg/dL) Under 8.5 mmol/L (153 mg/dL)

Now you must be inquisitive about knowing how these high blood sugar levels can be controlled? HealthDiva presents you the Effective Diabetic Diet to reverse the diabetic symptoms:

As a matter of fact, if too much sugar or diet rich in high-glycemic carbs (take for example, cookies, cakes, or bread) is taken, you will experience a swift influx of glucose or sugar in your blood. Your body must rush in to balance the spike of insulin in order to look after the abrupt excess of sugar, leaving you irritable and exhausted from the yo-yo effect. Keeping your blood sugar levels stabilized is one of the most vital steps you can implement for your complete health and vitality. In addition, having a nutritious diet loaded with low-glycemic veggies, fruits, proteins, and complex carbs, you can moderate your blood sugar levels by including supplements that support glucose balance.

Here are some of the HEALTHDIVA picks for the top dietary foods you can take to sustain your healthy blood sugar levels:

  • Bitter Melon: With a powerful blood sugar lowering activity, bitter gourd is considered to facilitate effective reversal of diabetes symptoms. It has a great impact on the glucose metabolism and assists in increasing the insulin secretion. It is found to be beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes conditions.
  • Cinnamon: With insulin stimulating property, Cinnamon has been found to be the key constituent in diabetes treatment. It is considered to be beneficial mostly on the type 2 diabetes as it successfully breaks down the sugar and converts it into energy.
  • Fenugreek: Fenugreek seeds are a proven source of soluble fibre, which are considered favourable in controlling diabetes as it slows down the absorption of carbs and glucose. Simultaneously, improves the glucose tolerance level and lowers down the fasting blood sugar. Also, these seeds secrete glucose-dependent insulin.

Also, include some habitual changes to control blood sugar:

  • Keep a Regular Check on your Sugar Levels: Regular monitoring of blood glucose level will definitely help you in maintaining even more efficiently.

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  • Regular Exercise: Exercise, yoga or meditation will help you in losing weight and helps in augmenting the insulin sensitivity. It facilitates the utility of available glucose in the blood by your body cells. After exercise, your body muscles will be able to use the blood sugar for energy and muscle contraction. A satisfactory weight loss will obviously reduce the probabilities of diabetes.
  • Sleep, Sleep, Sleep: Uneven or poor sleeping routines can have a bad impact on your blood sugar level and insulin sensitivity. Also, it can amplify your appetite and thus, weight gain. Poor sleep limits the production of growth hormone and improves the production of a cortical level. Both these hormones play a key role in sugar management.

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  • Keep a Check on Your Stress Level: High stress is always detrimental for your health and when it comes to diabetes, the hormonal changes can elevate the blood sugar level. Stress hormones, cortisol and glucagon add to the overall blood sugar level and put you in a threat of diabetes. Just follow your passion and trim down the amount of stress in your daily life and live a healthy life.

Blood Sugar Control

Like our blood sugar, life is truly a balancing act – taking a healthy diet, sleeping well and exercising will go a long way towards health & harmony for your body and mind!!
