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Healthier hair appears to be on just about everybody’s wish list this time of year, particularly with those magnificent holiday parties and pictures right approaching. Who doesn’t feel like walking into the party and being the belle of the ball? The great news is that you have just adequate time, if you begin now; to have the most stunning head of hair you have ever had, just in time for the holidays. Healthy hair is a perfect indication of overall health and well-being. If your hair is thin or fragile, it may point to problems related to digestion, stress or hormone imbalance. If the problem is hormone imbalance, chiefly low thyroid, you may require addressing this common underlying cause. Besides this, here are a few things you can include in your daily routine for more beautiful hair.


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Healthier hair appears to be on just about everybody’s wish list this time of year, particularly with those magnificent holiday parties and pictures right approaching. Who doesn’t feel like walking into the party and being the belle of the ball? The great news is that you have just adequate time, if you begin now; to have the most stunning head of hair you have ever had, just in time for the holidays. Healthy hair is a perfect indication of overall health and well-being. If your hair is thin or fragile, it may point to problems related to digestion, stress or hormone imbalance. If the problem is hormone imbalance, chiefly low thyroid, you may require addressing this common underlying cause. Besides this, here are a few things you can include in your daily routine for more beautiful hair.

Hair is composed of keratin, a type of protein, thus the initial priority is to eat a good amount of protein on a daily basis. This facilitates noticeably thicker and healthier hair. The protein diet of an average female (130-150 pounds) must be roughly around 45-60 grams per day. If you want to visibly thicken your hair, try to get on the higher end of that range. Consumption of one to two servings of organic meat every day is good but incorporating a protein shake daily may be the best protein boost you require. Also, you can consume higher amounts of nuts, eggs, and salmon, for delivering an enhanced shine and thickness to your hair. If you are already consuming 50/60 grams of protein daily and not observing positive results, try going for a Digestive Enzyme to help break down your protein into the amino acids your body requires to produce keratin.

Taking the right nutrition or diet is also a key. It is important for speeding up the hair growth, while helping growth of new hair. Even may help your nails to be thicker and skin to be healthier. That’s a win-win-win if you’ve ever heard one!

Nutrients required for improving hair health:

  • Vitamin A is great for producing sebum, an oily substance secreted by the scalp, which keeps your hair smooth as well as hydrated. In addition, Vitamin A fights free radicals that can weight down your hair.

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  • Vitamin E helps the body’s blood circulation by augmenting the oxygen uptake, which consecutively helps the body in producing new hair. Also, this vitamin works jointly with Vitamin C as a potent antioxidant that can get to all parts of the cell. Any antioxidant activity helps to lower inflammation which may result in hair loss.
  • Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron from food plus building collagen which is essential for hair growth. It is one of the favourite nutrients for building overall health, thus it’s just great to get a little more in all directions when you can. Also, it is a known antioxidant which helps in decreasing the free radicals that can weigh your hair down.
  • Biotin is essential for cell multiplication (think hair growth) and helps manufacture amino acids used in making key proteins for hair. You can take biotin as a separate supplement, which is one of the most popular supplements for fresh hair growth. The ideal dose of biotin is 5,000-10,000 mcg per day for about a month in order to notice the new hair growth, but not surprisingly, in just a few weeks, our customers tells us they distinguish new hair developing. Also, biotin helps to restore hair shingles resulting from overheating or overtaxing hair. Since it takes a few weeks for getting the benefits, we suggest starting to take Biotin as early as possible.
  • Zinc is an effective inhibitor of hair follicle degeneration. On the whole, it helps decrease hair loss. In addition, it is a nutrient that often goes scarce during several hair loss problems such as alopecia, telogen effluvium, male pattern hair loss, as well as female pattern hair loss.
  • Selenium and iodine are vital nutrients for thyroid health and can minimize signs of hypothyroidism such as hair loss.
  • Silica is another nutrient which helps in improving circulation and blood flow to the scalp which is crucial for hair growth and maintenance of healthy hair. Blood flow to the scalp implies the amino acids and nutrients are capable of staying where they necessitate being to build hair.

Healthy hair necessitates a plethora of nutrients, thus this list of healthy-hair nutrients makes it easy to solve the serious issue of hair loss.

Here are a few more HealthDiva tips to help with hair growth:

  • Massaging your scalp on a daily basis for two to four minutes is just great for preventing the problem of hair loss. Anything to make better the blood circulation to the scalp will help hair growth. If you perform this regularly for a week or two, you will be able to see a visible growth.
  • Add three to five drops of Lavender oil in your natural shampoo or conditioner as well as hair sprays. Various research studies have shown lavender to encourage hair growth and put a stop to hair loss.

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  • Furthermore, stress can be a major reason for hair loss, so be attentive with daily stress relief practices such as prayer, spending time with near & dear ones and walking/working out. Consumption of a healthy (low carb high veggie) diet can also mitigate your stress levels.
  • Wash hair with cold water in order to keep the hair follicles closed and stop unnecessary hair loss in the shower and right after the shower.
  • Get a good night’s ample rest as your body makes use of the sleep time to manufacture hair proteins and replenish.

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Healthier, more beautiful hair isn’t always easy to get, but HealthDiva’s Tips & Tricks makes it simpler and smoother, and let me tell you it’s always well worth the effort.

Just a few weeks later, you will be able to notice the constructive benefits and feeling great!
