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Healthy joints and bones is really important. Bones assist in structuring the body, storing calcium as well as protecting body organs. While bone health must be something to look after since early days, but it is never too late to execute the right thing to make joints stronger and better once again.


Healthy joints and bones is really important. Bones assist in structuring the body, storing calcium as well as protecting body organs. While bone health must be something to look after since early days, but it is never too late to execute the right thing to make joints stronger and better once again.

Why is bone health a priority?

Bones constantly varies from time to time. When young, it has the potential of growing stronger and faster. But with growing age, the functionality of bones becomes slower and weaker. By the time you reach the age of 30, the possibilities of developing bone problems like osteoporosis (condition in which bones become brittle and weak) increases.

Healthy bones and joints

What causes bone weakness?

  • Poor Calcium Level in the body
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Physical inactivity
  • Age
  • Hormones
  • Smoking & alcohol usage

Do you know? Motion is lotion. Many people are not aware of the importance of being active for their health, let me tell you that being active greatly reduces soreness and stiffness, while escalating your mobility. On the whole, the more you move, the better you feel.

Joint pain not only result in a huge discomfort but also is a sign to take care of the damaging ailments. At times, a joint pain can result due to a mere swelling or can occur due to something as painful as arthritis. Joint pain usually heals gradually, but constant joint pain at a young age is a disastrous warning.

10 Ways to Relieve and Prevent Joint Pain

Joint pain causes: Joint pain is largely caused when there is a difficulty with:

  • Bone adjoining the joint.
  • Lining of the joint.
  • Tendons, ligament and muscles lying around the joint.

When either of the above unfavourable misfortunes occur in your joints, it may give rise to immense joint pain.

  • Now, let’s see the forms of arthritis or joint pain. The first is osteoarthritis. It is a condition where the bone tissue and the joint cartilage adjacent to the cartilage gets affected and results in a joint pain.
  • Next is, rheumatoid arthritis. This condition results in inflammation or swelling in the joints that develops a throbbing pain in the joints. A nonstop and untreated pain in the joints may give rise to a permanent destruction.
  • Joint injuries and other tissues injuries: Destruction of the joint because of any fracture or displacement can be a reason of serious pain followed by a puffiness. In addition, complaints like knee pain, ankle injuries, arm pain, leg joint pain or frozen shoulder are some arrays of tissue injuries that cause grave joint distress.
  • Gout: Gout like arthritis also causes inflammation in the joints that results in an ache.

Arthritis treatment:

arthritis hip and knee pain

Doctors traditionally use painkillers and anti-inflammatory joint pain medications to treat joint pain. Though, some medications bring about harmful side effects, and thus a natural approach for effective pain relief is becoming more popular nowadays. Let’s have a look on some:

  1. Lose weight:

Your weight can build a huge impact on the extent of pain you experience from arthritis. Extra weight develops a high pressure on your joints, in particular your hips, knees, or feet. Thus, trimming down the stress on your joints by losing that extra flab will greatly improve your mobility, shrink pain, and checks future harm to your joints.

  1. Exercise more:

Exercise seems to be more beneficial than just weight loss. Regular movement assists in maintaining flexibility in your joints. You must go for low-impact exercises like swimming, or water aerobics in order to flex your joints without adding extra stress.

arthritis-friendly elliptical exercise

  1. Get a massage:

Rightly said by Arthritis Foundation, regular massaging of sore joints can facilitate reduction in pain and rigidity and effectively improves your range of motion. Work with a physical therapist to learn self-massage, or arrange meetings with a massage therapist frequently.

Chiropractic for Arthritis

  1. Try acupuncture:

It is an ancient Chinese medical invention that includes inserting thin needles into definite body points, rerouting your energies and restoring your body balance. It is found that acupuncture has the knack to lessen arthritis pain. Just go for it and see the difference!!

  1. Healthy Dietary Choices:

Your bones demand a mixture of nutrients, like calcium and vitamins D, C, and K. Both calcium and vitamin D are the key building blocks for healthy bones. The best way to guarantee a correct intake of calcium is to incorporate calcium rich foods in your diet. For instance, dairy products like low-fat milk or yogurt, green leafy veggies (kale or broccoli), soy products (tofu) or nuts.

  1. Include the correct fatty acids in your diet:

Everybody requires omega-3 fatty acids in their diet for an ideal health. But the question is WHY? These fats are a great help for your arthritis. Fish oil supplements, rich in omega-3s, have been observed to lessen the joint stiffness and pain.

  1. Drink less caffeine:

Every morning dose of tea/coffee & the intermittent in-betweens are all good to go till the time it is under a control. Once you begin taking it in an excess level than you should, your bones start to lose calcium. Thus, it is advised to consume half-decaffeinated coffee or take drinks that are naturally caffeine free, like water or juice.

“Keeping your joints, muscles, and bones healthy and fit is the key to being energetic all the way through your life. Don’t stop doing the things you adore. Thus, combine all these approaches for better joint health for added benefits.”

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  1. Opt for herbal supplements:

There is a huge list of herbal supplements available these days in the market that claim for a successful decrease in joint pain. Some of the herbs touted for arthritis include:

  • Bromelain
  • Boswellia
  • Glucosamine sulfate
  • Ginkgo
  • Stinging nettle

arthritis food versus supplements

And the good news is that, very powerful product GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE for your joint and cartilage health is available on HealthDiva. It effectively eases your joint and cartilage pain, it is surely worth a try. Glucosamine provides superior relief in mild to moderate knee joint pain, osteoarthritis, and other joint conditions as well. Glucosamine in your body assists in keeping up the health of your cartilage, which is nothing but a rubbery tissue that cushions bones at your joints. But with growing age, your levels of this compound starts dropping, giving rise to joint collapse. GO ORGANIC WITH HEALTHDIVA’S GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE!!

“We at HEALTHDIVA, aim to provide you the #1 JOINT FRIENDLY TIPS at the comfort of your pleasant home.”

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