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Top 10 Tips to Look After your Eyes Daily!

Top 10 Tips to Look After your Eyes Daily!


Perhaps the most imperative out of the 5 principal senses in a human being is the sense of sight or vision. “Eyes” are flawlessly appropriate for carrying out this function. Still, we take this gift of vision for granted and stop taking proper care for its health and wellness. This gives rise to a wide array of complications and damage to the nerves in the eyes. Glasses and lenses are necessitated in such cases in order to rectify the sight. Thus, with proper care, you can ensure that your eyes perform well all through your lives. HealthDiva brings you certain healthy tips on how to keep your eyes and your vision in pristine condition.

Top 10 Tips to Look After your Eyes Daily!

Perhaps the most imperative out of the 5 principal senses in a human being is the sense of sight or vision. “Eyes” are flawlessly appropriate for carrying out this function. Still, we take this gift of vision for granted and stop taking proper care for its health and wellness. This gives rise to a wide array of complications and damage to the nerves in the eyes. Glasses and lenses are necessitated in such cases in order to rectify the sight. Thus, with proper care, you can ensure that your eyes perform well all through your lives. HealthDiva brings you certain healthy tips on how to keep your eyes and your vision in pristine condition.

10 Ways To Maintain Eye Health

1. Know your Family History:

A number of eye conditions are carried forward by means of the genes of the offspring. This signifies that your eyes may be inclined to certain damages as a result of hereditary attributes present in your genes. In such cases, it is recommended to take safety measures in order to avoid the disorder that you are prone to. Conditions including Glaucoma and diabetes can also get transferred from parents to children, and these can also have an effect on the eye health of individuals.

2. Avoid Obesity:

It may appear as a shock to you, but obese individuals are largely inclined to eye damage as compared to those who retain a normal body weight. You may not feel any damage, but the basic problems certainly emerge for your eyes if you are overweight. Cardiovascular disorders become very common in overweight individuals and the blood vessels in the eye can get damaged on account of this. Thyroid Eye Disease, Cataracts, and several other conditions can occur in the eye if you do not sustain your perfect body weight.

3. Follow a Proper Diet:

Vitamins derived from foods are known to be indispensable for keeping your eyes operational in an ideal manner. Sea Buckthorn seed oil is also an excellent source of Omega-3 and 7. This compound is also quite beneficial for the eyes and helps in keeping them moist and avoiding the issue of dry eyes. Your diet also needs to include limited amounts of Zinc as well for keeping your eyes healthy and fit. This element is fundamental in maintaining and improving your vision. Milk products like cheese, yoghurt, and paneer are a good source of deriving zinc.

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4. Regular Exercise and Physical Activity:

Regular exercises are necessary to maintain a healthy body, but the same is also valuable for the health of the eyes. Physical activities support an improved blood flow and regulate the working of heart in a suitable manner. This in turn lowers the risk of developing cardio-vascular disorders and even diabetes. Research study has also confirmed that exercising regularly severely decrease the risk of Glaucoma onset. Thus, if you wish to keep your eyes healthy, never ever skip on the cardio exercises. Activities like jogging and cycling will help maintain the eye health.

5. Ditch the Cigarettes:

Do you think lighting your cigarette only damages your lungs as well as your heart? Think again. Various researches have established that smoking strictly harms eye health as well. In fact, with each puff of smoke you inhale, you get closer to developing eye conditions such as cataracts. Research has also found that regular smokers are at least four times more likely to develop cataracts as compared to the non-smokers. On the other hand, only around 15% of the smokers think that their habit has any impact on the health of their eyesight.

6. Limit Alcohol Consumption:

While some researchers have found that limited consumption of alcohol may have its benefits, abusing the same can create serious issues to your health. In actual fact, drinking excessive alcohol may even bring about entire visual impairment. Studies have shown that individuals who abuse alcohol are more inclined to a condition called optic atrophy. In this condition, the nerve endings associated with the eyes get damaged, which may give rise to poor vision or total loss of vision.

7. Shield your Eyes from the Sun’s Rays:

The sun’s light comprises of ultraviolet rays, which are quite damaging to the health of the eyes. For this reason, it is crucial that you look after your eyes while moving out in the sun. Sunglasses are an efficient way of checking out UV ray damage. If sunglasses are not used under such conditions, the eyes may get damaged in a serious way. The UV rays are also identified to augment the risk of cataracts. People living in regions of ample snowfall must always keep their eyes protected with good quality sunglasses. This is due to the reason that in such places the sun’s rays are reflected off the snow and create quite a bit of damage to the vision.

8. Eye Care at Work:

In modern offices as well as workplaces, the majority of work is performed before a PC or laptop. Frequently staring at a screen may cause a great harm to your eyes. For this reason, it is suggested to wear an anti-glare lens or glass while working on these machines. This will help decrease the strain developing on the eyes. On the whole, try to keep a distance of at least 25 inches between your eyes and the screen. This will help to alleviate some of the stress on the eyes.

9. Entertainment:

A majority of individuals choose to relax at home by watching TV or playing video games. These activities are good when performed sensibly. Follow the 20 minute rule and take a short break at each interval. Also, remember to maintain a fine distance between the screen and your eyes. Make sure that you relax your eyes if you experience irritation, double vision or other signs.

10. Regular Eye Checkups after the Age of 40:

With age, it is natural for your eyes to lose some of its visibility. After the age of 40, most of you tend to experience a condition called presbyopia. This is a minor condition in which, you require wearing a glass while reading. Also, when you do not have any other conditions in your eye, individuals above 40 years must go for regular ere-checkups after every two years. These checkups will make sure that you do not experience Glaucoma or any other such eye conditions.

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ALWAYS REMEMBER: Your eyes are your windows to the world, thus it’s essential to take good care of them, and start incorporating these daily practices for keeping your eyes in good shape!!
