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Nature’s Hormone Balancer – Black Cohosh – happy HEALTHY you

Nature's Hormone Balancer - Black Cohosh - happy HEALTHY you


The benchmark in complimentary medicines for regulating hormonal disturbances is an herbal medication referred to as Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh). Black Cohosh has emerged as a potential solution, and may be the most promising natural cure for menopausal symptoms. Black Cohosh is one of the most systematically established herbal medicines existing in the world at present. It has been demonstrated to be helpful in a range of gynecological illnesses. The herb is known to play a key role in the regulation of hypothalamus pituitary axis, the master endocrine control system. When the hypothalamus pituitary axis is controlled, an intense and long-term effect can be attained in hormonal balance.

Nature’s Hormone Balancer – Black Cohosh – happy HEALTHY you

Black Cohosh - Nature's Balancer

The benchmark in complimentary medicines for regulating hormonal disturbances is an herbal medication referred to as Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh). Black Cohosh has emerged as a potential solution, and may be the most promising natural cure for menopausal symptoms.

Black Cohosh is one of the most systematically established herbal medicines existing in the world at present. It has been demonstrated to be helpful in a range of gynecological illnesses.

The herb is known to play a key role in the regulation of hypothalamus pituitary axis, the master endocrine control system. When the hypothalamus pituitary axis is controlled, an intense and long-term effect can be attained in hormonal balance.

Various research studies have depicted Black Cohosh to contain chemicals with endocrine activity, resulting in a selective decrease in the serum concentration of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) and are found to bind to the estrogen receptor sites. Black Cohosh is also composed of a number of biologically active compounds and there are variable opinions about how it works on the body. It is found that the isoflavone (a compound present in the plant that is biologically active i.e. one that has a physiological effect on the body) formononetin provokes the estrogen receptors.

It is well-thought that the active constituent in it i.e., Triterpene Glycosides have the effect upon the hypothalamus-pituitary system which gives rise to secondary effects upon the reproductive as well as sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous systems. Several research studies have proven Black Cohosh to be effectual in hormonal complaints linked to premenstrual syndrome as well as menopause.

The true benefit that sets Black Cohosh apart from other herbal medications is its potential to treat a wide array of hormonal imbalance signs. Whether the imbalance is too much or deficiency of estrogen, hormones: estrogen, progesterone, Luteinizing hormone or follicle stimulating hormone, Black Cohosh exerts a balancing affect owing to its action on the endocrine system.

Black Cohosh shows its action on the endocrine regulatory system. In easy terms, it acts to control the hormones in the body. It is nothing but a phytoestrogen – which is not quite as strong in structure as estrogen but does appear to present some protection for the body. Most particularly, scientists consider that Black Cohosh is a defensive mechanism against ovary and breast cancer. Females go more prone to breast as well as ovarian cancer once their menstrual periods get stopped or have had a hysterectomy or partial hysterectomy.

The herb is also supposed to help regulate the body’s hormones without some of the toxicity of pure estrogen. Black Cohosh is a known anti-inflammatory and also a sedative agent, and thus is a great help to lower down the discomfort and defeat some of the troubles with sleeping. It works on the endocrine system and helps in regulating the hormones in the body. The herb is constituted with mild estrogenic properties and assists in balancing the female hormone levels by binding to oestrogen receptor sites and can be a great help for nutritional support during the period of menopause as it may help out to calm distressing but usual menopausal symptoms.

High-potency Black Cohosh supplement facilitate natural decrease in the menstrual signs such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia without the adverse side effects of HRT drugs. This herbal extract supplement works to boost the mood, controls body temperature, reduces PMS symptoms; supports bone density, as well as acts as a natural muscle relaxant in order to help ease nervous tension. It is helpful where estrogen replacement therapy is avoided.

In short, Supplement Highlights

  • High-potency, pure and standardized herbal extract
  • Relieves menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and insomnia
  • Reduces PMS symptoms
  • Boosts mood and regulate body temperature
  • Natural muscle relaxant which helps to lessen down nervous tension
  • Helps support bone density in menopausal and post-menopausal women

Black Cohosh is of a great help for your monthly hormonal changes or discrepancies and falls in hormone levels. The herb is known to calm down your nervous system, thereby decreasing aches, cramps, and fretfulness. In addition, it acts as a uterine tonic; also facilitates decrease in hot flashes or other signs. Black Cohosh can also assist with headaches related to low oestrogen-monthly, prior to menses and/or throughout the menses in younger women. You can buy Black Cohosh capsule available on
