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10 Super Surprising Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

10 Super Surprising Benefits of Drinking Hot Water


By now, all must be well-aware that water is an essential component of our lives and vital for our survival. Also, probably we all have heard doctors say that a person must drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day ideally. Yet, what most individuals are not aware is that hot water and warm water exhibit a range of exclusive benefits that you just can’t attain when you take cold water. One important point to note: Keep water to a maximum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit in order to circumvent the destruction of epithelial cells in your mouth and throat. Start your morning with a drink of hot (or warm) water and you’ll very soon reap the benefits.

10 Super Surprising Benefits of Drinking Hot Water

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By now, all must be well-aware that water is an essential component of our lives and vital for our survival. Also, probably we all have heard doctors say that a person must drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day ideally. Yet, what most individuals are not aware is that hot water and warm water exhibit a range of exclusive benefits that you just can’t attain when you take cold water. One important point to note: Keep water to a maximum temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit in order to circumvent the destruction of epithelial cells in your mouth and throat. Start your morning with a drink of hot (or warm) water and you’ll very soon reap the benefits.

A good start to the day with a glass of hot water helps kick-start your digestive system and delivers an array of health benefits including:

  1. Weight loss:

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If you want to maintain a healthy metabolism and are trying to shed a few kilos from past few months, then “hot water” is what you want to achieve your goals. Get up early in the morning and start your morning with a glass of lemon and hot water. As an additional bonus, hot water will lend a hand in breaking down the adipose tissue (body fat) present in your body. Also, hot water helps in clearing out your intestines in order to avoid bloating in your body; as a result, you can throw away the excess water weight you may be bearing.

  1. Help with throat and nasal congestion:

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Nowadays, everybody is looking for natural home remedies for a stuffy or runny nose, sore throat; then why not just imbibe the habit of drinking hot water in your routine. How hot water helps? It dissolves phlegm and thereby aids to eliminate it from your respiratory tract. It provides relief from sore throat as well as helps in clearing nasal congestion.

  1. Pain Relief:

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Let me tell you, cold water causes the muscle to contract; in this case warm water helps as it increases the blood flow to the tissues thereby allowing easy relaxation of the muscles. This is of great help in all types of pain ranging from joint pains to menstrual cramps. Drinking warm water prior to bed exerts a relaxing effect, which may help you fall snoozing faster, and make you feel fuller, no midnight hunger, and feeling more revitalized in the morning.

  1. Body detoxification:


Hot water is identified to be a fantastic detox. On drinking hot water, your body temperature starts to rise, resulting in sweating, which is one of the ways; your body eradicates toxins from your body and cleanse it in a proper manner. In order to obtain optimal results, just add a pinch of lemon before drinking or you can try green tea which may reduce free radical activity in your body.

  1. Prevent premature aging:

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There’s a motive behind clearing your body of toxins: they make you age more rapidly. Here, hot water aids to fix the skin cells that boost the elasticity of your skin and are distressed by damaging free radicals. Consequently, your damaged skin becomes smoother and elastic again.

  1. No more acne and pimples:

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The benefits of hot water for your skin just keep on approaching. It cleanses your body profoundly and removes the root cause of acne-linked infections.

  1. Hair health and vitality:

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There are a lot many benefits of hot water for your hair. The first one, is it is good for bringing shine and smoothness to your hair. Hot water is helpful for energizing the nerve endings in your hair roots and makes them active. Next benefit is; it promotes hair growth. Hot water supports the regular activity of hair roots and later speeds up the growth of your hair. Also, hot water keeps your scalp hydrated and helps battle against dandruff or dry scalp problems.

  1. Improves blood circulation and support a healthy nervous system:

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Another significant advantage of hot water is that it improves your blood circulation, which is vital for proper nerve and muscle activity. Additionally, it keeps your nervous system in a good physical shape by breaking down the fat deposits around it.

  1. Better digestion:

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Hot water is chiefly favourable for digestion. Do you know; if you drink cold water during or after a meal, it may solidify the oil present in the consumed food products? This may result in deposition of fat on the inner wall of your intestine, which can finally give rise to health issues such as intestinal cancer. Thus, if you swap your glass of cold water with a hot one, you can keep away from this trouble.

  1. Facilitate bowel movements:

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At last, hot water is great to make your bowel movements healthy, regular, and pain free. Dehydration can bring about chronic health issues such as constipation. As the stool gets accrued inside your intestine, the bowel movements become slower. Thus, it is always suggested to drink a glassful of hot or warm water every morning on an empty stomach. It decomposes any leftover foodstuffs and makes the movement of the particles smooth through the intestines and makes it less throbbing.

Now, you’re aware of the benefits, next question in my mind is how to drink hot water in the correct way?

1) Drink on a daily basis when you wake up: It will heat up your body organs and dissolve the old waste materials in your body without any difficulty.

2) Drink at least 1-1.5 litre of water a day: Drinking more water doesn’t lay a negative impact on your health but if you drink in an excess, it may result in the fact that unnecessary water getting build up in your body and resulting in deterioration of the metabolism, which may easily get fat.

3) Drink after taking a bath: Drinking hot water after bath replenishes lost water of your body and soothes your muscles that help you sleep well.

Now that, you know about so-many profits or plus-points of hot water, you must start to drink it today.
