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Pave Your Way to the “New Year” with Some Natural Energy Boosters

Pave Your Way to the “New Year” with Some Natural Energy Boosters


All set to take a running jump into 2019 with more energy than ever before? Following a peaceful, relaxed & cheerful festive season, many of you might be eager to get back on your feet and get moving. Although physical, mental, as well as overall health are perhaps our topmost priorities this time of the year, this recently needed vitality take a little, well, a lot of energy! “Diet as well as healthy supplementation is the key”. You might have spent the last few weeks treating yourselves to some culpable pleasures which consecutively, have possibly left you feeling somewhat sluggish and heavy (to put it calmly!). Below are a few key supplements and useful foods in order to put a spring back in your step and battle fatigue.

Pave Your Way to the “New Year” with Some Natural Energy Boosters

All set to take a running jump into 2019 with more energy than ever before? Following a peaceful, relaxed & cheerful festive season, many of you might be eager to get back on your feet and get moving. Although physical, mental, as well as overall health are perhaps our topmost priorities this time of the year, this recently needed vitality take a little, well, a lot of energy!

“Diet as well as healthy supplementation is the key”. You might have spent the last few weeks treating yourselves to some culpable pleasures which consecutively, have possibly left you feeling somewhat sluggish and heavy (to put it calmly!). Below are a few key supplements and useful foods in order to put a spring back in your step and battle fatigue.


CoQ10, which denotes coenzyme Q10, is made naturally in the body. All the body cells are composed of CoQ10, even though, heart, kidneys and liver have the highest levels. Cells make use of CoQ10 for the purpose of manufacturing energy and shielding them from oxidative damage.

When the CoQ10 levels decline, your body’s cells find themselves unable to produce the energy they require for growth and development and for staying healthy, which may add on to fatigue. Thus, CoQ10 supplement is an improved solution for fighting fatigue in individuals with declining or low levels.


Low levels of vitamin B12, a vitamin that lies at the central part of our body’s ability to build DNA for new cells, produce healthy red blood cells, and convert the food we consume into energy in order to power our metabolism, can often be a factor in reduced level of energy. Insufficient B12 levels may bring about deep fatigue and mood changes, evading you from feeling your best and carrying out your daily activities at your highest energy level. Vitamin B12 commonly exists in animal sources, like eggs, milk and milk products, and poultry. For those who stay withdrawn from meat consumption, consider taking a vitamin B12 supplement for ensuring adequate amounts in your daily diet.

Think Spirulina!

Spirulina is actually blue-green algae. It may sense like a little peculiar, but you won’t apologize for trying it out. This blue-green alga is a high-protein Superfood with phenomenal array of healthy benefits. Spirulina is known to deliver you a significant boost in energy, strengthen your immunity, and even support the growth of healthy gut bacteria. A healthy gut is a vital part of living a fatigue-free life.


The mighty magnesium mineral is required for carrying out more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body, counting with the breakdown of glucose into energy. This essential mineral has been thought to optimistically exert a positive impact on your healthy energy levels, muscle functioning and bone quality! It is essential for the production of both aerobic and anaerobic energy forms (on the whole all energy production) and for carrying out glycolysis as part of the Mg-ATP complex (ATP is the major energy source present in your cells and ATP requires to associate with Mg2+ to facilitate functioning). The highest dietary sources of magnesium may comprise of raw spinach, beans, avocados, pumpkin seeds, almonds, sesame seeds, as well as quinoa.

Also, nowadays magnesium supplements are also available for ensuring you an appropriate amount of magnesium in your diet. One such supplement is available at HealthDiva. HealthDiva’s Supplement: Magnesium Complex Caps (blend of 250mg magnesium citrate and 250mg magnesium oxide), available online. Also, Magnesium is available in HealthDiva’s NIGHT SHED FAT BURN FORMULA {containing Magnesium Citrate (13%); Valerian Root Extract; Melatonin as well as vitamins}. If you think a magnesium shortage is resulting in your fatigue, supplementing magnesium can make quite a large difference.

To get the most out of the magnesium supplement, you are required to consume it at night as it helps you relax and sleep better.

Siberian Ginseng

In conventional Chinese medicine, Siberian Ginseng has been thought to treat fatigue, lethargy as well as low stamina problems. It is a natural adaptogen, an antioxidant as well as a diuretic and its benefits are assumed to normally support wellness, boost energy levels and ease fatigue, on top of enhancing athletic performance. Siberian Ginseng can be taken via oral route in capsule or liquid form, or you can make a great revitalizing tea from the root itself!

Apple Cider Vinegar

The potassium and enzymes present naturally in apple cider vinegar help drive out fatigue. What you want is a raw, organic, apple cider vinegar form; HealthDiva is the safest place to opt for. You can easily find it at HealthDiva website or on sellers like Amazon, Facebook etc. It is available in a Pack of 60 Vegetarian Capsules, online at best prices in India on!! This will ensure you get the most health benefits from having it.

Some More Energy Boosting Tips:

  • Hydration: Dehydration leaves you feeling nodding as well as drained, which slowly eats away all your physical functions you necessitate to get through the day, so drink up more and more of water!
  • Fresh air: Nothing wakes you up like a bout of fresh air. Fresh air delivers you a sound supply of oxygen which is required by your brain and every single body cell. The augmented oxygen level in the body brings with it an improved energy level and is the single most key element that permits your body to work and function in a proper manner.
  • Sugar swaps: Sugar can only maintain your energy levels for a very short period of time (30 minutes at the most), thus opt for your snacks that will keep you persistent longer, for instance seeds, nuts, whole grains as well as high fibre snacks.

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Thus, if you are constantly stricken by a lack of vitality and fatigue, it is important to diagnose the difficulty and execute a long-term solution. Herbal treatments are the quick-fix answers that demand a long-term commitment in order to reinstate good health and vitality.

THUS, STAY HEALTHY THIS NEW YEAR WITH THESE NATURAL ENERGY-BOOSTERS!! And, unlock the power of nutrition to heal your body, avoid any illness & attain optimal health!!
