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Liver is the second largest organ of your body, next to skin! (Yes, Skin is in fact an organ if you missed those Science lessons of yours). Blood carries all the nutrients digested by your stomach and intestines to your liver. Your liver then works as a “banker” storing as well as metabolizing these vital nutrients and gradually transporting them to other body organs via bloodstream. This signifies that all metabolises of carbs, proteins, fats, medicines, minerals, and even unnecessary microbes or toxins take place in the liver. So if “your major organ” goes for a toss, then nearly all the metabolic processes of the body go for a toss!


Waking up to the alarming realism that booze is the problem not the solution!

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Is it the right time to rethink your drink and grant your liver a break? Liver is one of the chief and crucial organs of your body and the body cannot survive without it. You must have heard of “Kitni Baar Bola Sharaab Nahin Peena Liver Sad Jayega Re Bhai.” Read on to know more.

What actually is the role of liver?

Liver is the second largest organ of your body, next to skin! (Yes, Skin is in fact an organ if you missed those Science lessons of yours). Blood carries all the nutrients digested by your stomach and intestines to your liver. Your liver then works as a “banker” storing as well as metabolizing these vital nutrients and gradually transporting them to other body organs via bloodstream. This signifies that all metabolises of carbs, proteins, fats, medicines, minerals, and even unnecessary microbes or toxins take place in the liver. So if “your major organ” goes for a toss, then nearly all the metabolic processes of the body go for a toss!

Image result for alcoholic liver disease

Indeed, the liver is also a storage organ of glucose and stores it in its simple form and discharges it into the blood whenever a fall of blood sugars (condition named “hypoglycemia”) in your body results.

When Alcohol reaches Liver:

When alcohol goes into your system, it reaches your liver through the blood and gets converted to acetaldehyde, a chemical that settles down in the liver and programs the liver cells to die! In addition, alcohol interrupts with the storage and synthesis of fat in your body, leading to deposition of fat in the liver.*ypLj7dNOYD8aAqlj.png

How Alcohol Spoils your Liver?

Long-term (chronic) intake of alcohol may result in scarring of liver cells which substitutes all the healthy cells in an alcoholic liver. This condition is called alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Though, this doesn’t crop up suddenly but is a slow and steady process. There are numerous phases of alcoholic liver disease for which treatments are available and can be managed easily if detected on time.

1. Fatty Liver:

This condition is the first stage of alcoholic liver disease in which fat begins to deposit around the liver cells on account of a disturbed fat metabolism due to alcohol. Signs of fatty liver involve tiredness, loss of appetite, and weight loss. This condition can be reversed until the phase Grade-II Fatty Liver if the intake of alcohol is stopped. But, if alcohol is not withdrawn, it may cause liver cirrhosis or alcohol hepatitis.

2. Alcohol Hepatitis:

In the next phase of alcoholic liver disease, liver cells begin to degenerate. The size of liver begins contracting and scarring. The familiar symptoms include jaundice and accumulation of fluid in abdomen areas. If the consumption of alcohol is not stopped, it may even bring about liver failure.

If you are fond of drinking, and you make sure that you’re not boozing so much that you’re at risk of becoming an alcohol addict. But that’s not the only concern. Although you’re not an alcoholic, you could be at a risk of liver damage. Let me tell you, if you make a habit of boozing outside of meal times, it may augment your risk of alcoholic liver disease up to 3 times.

3. Liver Cirrhosis:

It is the final phase of alcoholic liver disease and is also an irreversible one. The liver once damaged, won’t be able to function again and this condition is called “liver failure”. Signs include ascites (fluid accumulation in abdomen), mental confusion or encephalopathy, skin irritation (pruritus), and jaundice (yellowing of skin).

How to chuck out the issue of Alcoholic Liver Disease?

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ALD is obligatory to manage as the individuals with ALD have very high possibilities of developing hepatic failure. Its treatments and management may include:

1. Alcohol Withdrawal:

It is essential to refrain from alcohol when detected with alcoholic liver disease to prevent the liver from getting poorer.

2. Diet Intervention:

ALD sufferers must increase the intake of proteins in their diet and prevent taking diet with a high content of carbs or fats. A low salt diet is very vital for patients with liver disorders, in particular, those with leg swelling or ascites (build-up of fluid in the abdomen). The more salt you take in, the more fluid accumulation you will experience!

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3. Drugs/Medications:

A doctor recommends several medications seeing the severity or the phase of disease, but these allopathic drugs have got adverse effects on your health. In such cases, supplements are of great help.

HEALTHDIVA’S MILK THISTLE CAPSULE is just great for liver problems. It is the Secret Fusion for Peak Liver Function (Pack of 30 capsules). Milk thistle acts as a guard for liver cells, antioxidant as well as an anti-inflammatory, providing effective defence against cell damage and supports the healing of damaged cells, thereby improving the general working of the liver with all its detoxifying properties. Silymarin is an active constituent present in it; that helps protect your body cells against free radicals. C:\Users\Delhi Nutraceuticals\Desktop\1_15.png

HealthDiva’s Milk Thistle capsule is a powerful blend of herbs that support digestion and maintain the liver and gallbladder health. Milk thistle protects against liver disease and decreases liver injury resulting from the use of medications & environmental toxins. Long term intake of allopathic medications or intake of alcohol can result in serious effects on a person’s liver health. Thus, Milk thistle helps in guarding the liver from these ill effects.

4. Liver Transplant:

Liver transplant is at times the only option at the final stage of ALD.

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I read somewhere “Alcohol gives you a never-ending tolerance for stupidity”. Hence slurp it with caution. And if you can’t limit your drinking habit on your own, it’s the time to look for help – and stay healthy! HEALTHDIVA is always there to help you!
