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How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

Beginning or growing your family is often exciting and crammed with hope and desires. But, for a number of females, it can also be puzzled with stress, anxiety, annoyance, depression and more if getting pregnant is complex. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, influences around one in ten – or one in twenty females. HealthDiva delivers a brief reason of what PCOS is and how it affects the woman’s body, “Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread endocrine system (hormonal) disorder among females of reproductive age”. Females suffering from PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that consist of small collections of fluid – named follicles – present in each ovary as observed during an ultrasound assessment.

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a key time to get people talking in relation to the world’s leading cancer killer. A considerable fraction (above 25%) of cancer deaths can be credited to lung cancer. It’s a prime reason for deaths in comparison to other types of cancers jointly: breast, colon, and prostate cancers. At HealthDiva, we aspire to offer an added awareness regarding lung cancer and what can be executed to help prevent it.



Holiday season is in complete sway, and meaning that many of you will be enjoying heaps of yummy foods and holiday delicacies over the next week or two. But, if you aren’t accustomed to all the rich or syrupy foods, you may end up with a nauseating feeling or a stomach-ache. There’s no need to allow an unpleasant stomach trash your holiday however – be prepared, and make out what you can do to assist yourself (and your friends or family) feel better if you stuff yourself by eating too much this year.

The Importance of Sexual Health

The Importance of Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important aspect of a person’s overall health and well-being. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including sexual anatomy and physiology, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception, and sexual dysfunctions. Maintaining good sexual health involves practicing safe sex, getting tested for STIs regularly, and seeking medical help when necessary.

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Magnesium Citrate Benefits

The Benefits of Magnesium Citrate

magnesium citrate offers a wide array of health benefits, ranging from digestive regulation and muscle support to heart health and mental well-being. It is a crucial nutrient that plays a vital role in various physiological processes, and supplementing with magnesium citrate can be beneficial for individuals with insufficient dietary intake or specific health concerns.

Hypertension – Know It the Better Way!

Hypertension – Know It the Better Way!

It’s often called the “silent-killer” as a majority of individuals are not aware that they have hypertension. Actually, approximately 70 million adults are suffering from hypertension – that’s 1 in every 3 adults. Merely half (55%) of the population have their condition under control. Even though not all risk factors are in your control, you can take steps to control or prevent hypertension, generally named as high blood pressure. It’s the #1 risk factor for stroke, and individuals with high blood pressure at a higher risk for having a heart attack.

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

Acai is a type of palm derived from South America and exclusively along the Amazon Basin. The fruit is composed of a number of biologically active compounds that are linked to numerous health benefits. These compounds are jointly referred to as flavonoids. While some particular flavonoid compounds includes anthocyanins as well as proanthocyanidins.
In addition, the berry is constituted with specific fatty acids. Flavonoids are nothing but powerful antioxidant agents that help in defending the body from the damage that may result due to freely circulating free radicals. Also, it has been shown in a few studies that these free radicals are known to support the efficacy of antioxidants.

How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

Beginning or growing your family is often exciting and crammed with hope and desires. But, for a number of females, it can also be puzzled with stress, anxiety, annoyance, depression and more if getting pregnant is complex. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, influences around one in ten – or one in twenty females. HealthDiva delivers a brief reason of what PCOS is and how it affects the woman’s body, “Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread endocrine system (hormonal) disorder among females of reproductive age”. Females suffering from PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that consist of small collections of fluid – named follicles – present in each ovary as observed during an ultrasound assessment.

How “Black Tea” Makes You Healthier?

How “Black Tea” Makes You Healthier?

With so many tea varieties to pick from, where will you start on? Here you’ll travel around the varieties of “Black tea”, how it varies from its close cousins: green, white, red, as well as oolong tea. Then let’s go a little deeper into the well-accepted health benefits and declarations being formed these days.

To begin with, let’s catch the eye on what black tea really is. It is derived from the plant Camellia sinensis, originally found in China. The hilarious thing is in China it is not called black tea, but red tea. But outside China, on the other hand, red tea refers to the red South African herbal tea (also appetizing and very useful) called rooibos.

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Mental Reminders on How to Stay Present and Cut Down Anxiety!

Mental Reminders on How to Stay Present and Cut Down Anxiety!

Undue worry appears to continue to grow, even banging teens above all, and can have overwhelming end results. Stress and worry can add to sleep issues, which can have severe implications, physical troubles, and certainly mental health problems, together with complete anxiety disorders. Let’s concentrate on a key mind hacks that will definitely help you to keep your worries under check and trim down stress.
The witty thing about life; is all sorts of phenomenon’s hitting you. We can’t modify the climatic conditions, or the things done in past, or the beliefs of others. We don’t have a control over a lot of things. What is under our control is our input and output. We decide on the reactions we boast to the things happening around us. Being in control of your thinking patterns is the only line of attack to really win in life.

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HealthDiva Helplines for Coping with Mental Illness

HealthDiva Helplines for Coping with Mental Illness

Existence with mental illness is not an easy job. It’s a constant riddle without a definite solution. While treatments such as psychotherapy or medication are extremely useful, at times individuals experiencing mental health conditions require performing more day-in as well as day-out in order to feel fine or even just all right.

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All about the Significance of Sea Buckthorn

All about the Significance of Sea Buckthorn 

Sea buckthorn is a deciduous shrub indigenous to Asia and Europe. It resembles blackberry and raspberry bushes, thus have a similar size. The leaves, in contrast, are quite distinct any other berry bush and are long, slender, and silvery-green in color. Male plants blossom with flowers, generating pollen. The female specimen generates orange berry-like fruit that is specifically called the sea buckthorn berry. Individuals refer to this fruit as ‘the magical berry’ owing to its copious nutrients. The berry joins Acai berries, blackberries, as well as blueberries as a super fruit.

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Triphala For Weight Loss

Triphala for Weight Loss

Triphala, a traditional Ayurvedic formula, is universally used as a home remedy for preventing abnormal bowel movements as well as digestive issues. A Sanskrit word, Triphala is obtained from, Tri=three and phala=fruit. Triphala combines the health benefits of three magical fruits namely, Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki, each one has its own favorable action.

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The Relationship between Glucosamine & Joint Health!!

The Relationship between Glucosamine & Joint Health!!

Every person has joints and they might hurt at times.
Rasping knees, fuming elbows, achy ankles, and stiff hips – slight aggravations that can at times grow to be huge problems down the road!!
Joints are composed of thick, elastic cartilage that keeps bones from rubbing against each other, in conjunction with tendons, ligaments, as well as synovial fluid. Any or all of these constituents may break down for several reasons, giving rise to joint pain and swelling.
Your joints and other associated connective tissues including tendons and ligaments are a part of your capability to carry out basic functions every single day; such as walking up and down stairs, bending over, driving a car, and picking up your kids.

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Gift Your Body the Benefits of the Fruit: Pomegranate

Gift Your Body the Benefits of the Fruit: Pomegranate

Pomegranates are loved for their natural powers, colour and symbolism. Here are the reasons you should try one. Pomegranate season is on the go. Markets are packed with this splendid red fruit, supermarket shelves are teeming with all sorts of pomegranate juices or yoghurts, and cosmetic stores are promoting pomegranate oil-infused skin creams or gels. Pomegranate or anaar is a fun-to-eat but muddled treat bursting with a sharp and sweet taste. And this beautiful fruit is often rejoiced for its powerful medicinal miracles. In ancient cultures, pomegranate is considered as – fruit of paradise. Not only its unique blend of juiciness and crunchiness but also its nutritional value makes it so alluring and mouth-watering.

What is dihydro-testosterone (DHT)?

What is dihydro-testosterone (DHT)?

DHT is a testosterone-derived androgen (male sex hormone) that is synthesised in the prostate, testes, and other tissues from testosterone. A deep voice, facial hair, and muscles, all of which are associated with male sexual traits, must be developed and maintained.
5-reductase (pronounced 5-alpha-reductase), an enzyme found in hair follicle oil glands, helps testosterone turn into DHT.
The hormone DHT attaches to receptors in the hair follicles of men who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness, causing the hair follicles to miniaturise (or shrink) and finally stop producing new hair.
Men who are genetically predisposed to male pattern baldness are more likely to have hair loss due to the male sex hormone DHT (also known as androgenic alopecia), which binds to receptors in the scalp and causes hair loss.
In both sexes, the hormone dihydrotestosterone, or DHT, is present. Male and female testes and ovaries convert testosterone to DHT, which is then released into the body. An enzyme known as 5-alpha reductase helps with this (5-AR).

Flip the flab with Flax seed!!

Flip the flab with Flax seed!!

Now, we all know about these small sized seeds, super source of energy called out as LINSEED. We have heard from some about FLAX- wonder seeds that have miraculous benefits. Flax helps in life threatening ailments like cardiovascular and diabetic even in cancerous conditions. The role of flax seeds in weight management is also well-accepted as flax seeds although they contain fat. Ensure one shouldn’t be having harmful fat but a good fat.

Echinacea – A Spectacular Immune Booster!!

Echinacea – A Spectacular Immune Booster!!

There are a few herbs that individuals recollect as having marvellous medicinal worth, and Echinacea is one such superior herb that is often used to tackle cold and flu. Yet, it’s also favourable against a broad range of other diseases.
Echinacea is a curative herb, indigenous to North America. A majority of you might have seen this plant, with daisy like flowers, without even identifying it. Echinacea is an extensively used medicinal plant all over the world and is recognized to be an immune boosting herb that battles infections. Researchers have come to a conclusion that Echinacea works successfully for the purpose of mitigating cold and flu signs.

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