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Magnesium: The Miracle Mineral in Arthritis!

One out of five of us usually experience a low-magnesium health problem presently: sleep troubles, joint and muscle pain, anxiety, depression, constipation to name a few. Here at HealthDiva, you’ll get to know the real importance of “Magnesium”.
Majority of us are critically short of this essential nutrient, so much so that this insufficiency plays a key role in almost every health problem as well as chronic disorders, ranging from joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, cramps, stress, tension, poor sleep… heart problems, diabetes, stroke and even anxiety and mood changes. It’s completely essential for overall health and well-being.
Every time we sweat, we lose this vital nutrient, or every time we get strained, we use it up…. every time we consume sugar or take in any medicine, these need magnesium to be processed… so overall, most of us are chronically lacking in Magnesium.