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It’s Lung Awareness Month!

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a key time to get people talking in relation to the world’s leading cancer killer. A considerable fraction (above 25%) of cancer deaths can be credited to lung cancer. It’s a prime reason for deaths in comparison to other types of cancers jointly: breast, colon, and prostate cancers. At HealthDiva, we aspire to offer an added awareness regarding lung cancer and what can be executed to help prevent it.



Holiday season is in complete sway, and meaning that many of you will be enjoying heaps of yummy foods and holiday delicacies over the next week or two. But, if you aren’t accustomed to all the rich or syrupy foods, you may end up with a nauseating feeling or a stomach-ache. There’s no need to allow an unpleasant stomach trash your holiday however – be prepared, and make out what you can do to assist yourself (and your friends or family) feel better if you stuff yourself by eating too much this year.

The Importance of Sexual Health

The Importance of Sexual Health

Sexual health is an important aspect of a person’s overall health and well-being. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including sexual anatomy and physiology, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), contraception, and sexual dysfunctions. Maintaining good sexual health involves practicing safe sex, getting tested for STIs regularly, and seeking medical help when necessary.

Heart Health: Understanding the Importance and How to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Heart Health: Understanding the Importance and How to Maintain a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death globally, with an estimated 17.9 million deaths each year. Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for a long and fulfilling life, yet many individuals are unaware of the steps they can take to support their heart health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of heart health and provide practical tips and strategies for maintaining a healthy heart.

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Hypertension – Know It the Better Way!

Hypertension – Know It the Better Way!

It’s often called the “silent-killer” as a majority of individuals are not aware that they have hypertension. Actually, approximately 70 million adults are suffering from hypertension – that’s 1 in every 3 adults. Merely half (55%) of the population have their condition under control. Even though not all risk factors are in your control, you can take steps to control or prevent hypertension, generally named as high blood pressure. It’s the #1 risk factor for stroke, and individuals with high blood pressure at a higher risk for having a heart attack.

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

Antioxidant Acai Berry: Superfood formula with lots of health benefits!!

Acai is a type of palm derived from South America and exclusively along the Amazon Basin. The fruit is composed of a number of biologically active compounds that are linked to numerous health benefits. These compounds are jointly referred to as flavonoids. While some particular flavonoid compounds includes anthocyanins as well as proanthocyanidins.
In addition, the berry is constituted with specific fatty acids. Flavonoids are nothing but powerful antioxidant agents that help in defending the body from the damage that may result due to freely circulating free radicals. Also, it has been shown in a few studies that these free radicals are known to support the efficacy of antioxidants.

How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

How to Treat PCOS with Black Cohosh?

Beginning or growing your family is often exciting and crammed with hope and desires. But, for a number of females, it can also be puzzled with stress, anxiety, annoyance, depression and more if getting pregnant is complex. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, influences around one in ten – or one in twenty females. HealthDiva delivers a brief reason of what PCOS is and how it affects the woman’s body, “Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a widespread endocrine system (hormonal) disorder among females of reproductive age”. Females suffering from PCOS may have enlarged ovaries that consist of small collections of fluid – named follicles – present in each ovary as observed during an ultrasound assessment.

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

It’s Lung Awareness Month!

November marks Lung Cancer Awareness Month, a key time to get people talking in relation to the world’s leading cancer killer. A considerable fraction (above 25%) of cancer deaths can be credited to lung cancer. It’s a prime reason for deaths in comparison to other types of cancers jointly: breast, colon, and prostate cancers. At HealthDiva, we aspire to offer an added awareness regarding lung cancer and what can be executed to help prevent it.

Pave Your Way to the “New Year” with Some Natural Energy Boosters

Pave Your Way to the “New Year” with Some Natural Energy Boosters

All set to take a running jump into 2019 with more energy than ever before? Following a peaceful, relaxed & cheerful festive season, many of you might be eager to get back on your feet and get moving. Although physical, mental, as well as overall health are perhaps our topmost priorities this time of the year, this recently needed vitality take a little, well, a lot of energy!
“Diet as well as healthy supplementation is the key”. You might have spent the last few weeks treating yourselves to some culpable pleasures which consecutively, have possibly left you feeling somewhat sluggish and heavy (to put it calmly!). Below are a few key supplements and useful foods in order to put a spring back in your step and battle fatigue.

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Papaya is a well-accepted tropical fruit that many individuals have tried or at least heard of. Green papaya salads have been in trend as invigorating summer recipes since years. What many individuals fail to comprehend about papaya, on the other hand, is how you can consume pretty much every part of the plant – such as the seed or fruit, and not to forget, the leaves!
Most people don’t realize the significance of papaya leaves for your health and well-being, but HealthDiva is just here to illustrate you why papaya leaves can be your favourite source of daily healthy goodness. Papaya leaves is a powerhouse of Vitamins A, B, C, D and E, in addition to carotenes as well as antioxidant flavonoids. Moreover, 50 or more different amino acids including glutamate acid, glycine, phenylalanine, lysine, valine, leucine, tritophan, proline, aspartate, tyrosine, alanine, etc and digestive enzymes such as papain are also present; that help digest protein, carbs and fats.

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Maca Benefits Your Hormones!!

Maca Benefits Your Hormones!!

Maca root powder is known to be the latest Superfood formula for filling up your nutritional stock, constituted with loads of health benefits. This traditional natural remedy crops up to be very well researched and studies have discovered its hormone-balancing, hormonal symptom-relaxing effects. The herb is a wonderful adaptogen, meaning it helps support your complete endocrine system in order to produce the correct quantities of hormones as per your requirement. Maca assists your body in “adapting” to hectic life circumstances that may else drain your body’s hormone production and give rise to signs and symptoms.
Maca or at times known as Peruvian ginseng, has been getting a lots of individuals to their nearest health store. It’s no surprise, that it has been classed under root vegetables or an adaptogen. Adaptogens are nothing but herbs with healing abilities including Ginseng, Holy Basil, Licorice Root as well as the most popular one, Ashwaganda. In addition to their tremendous healing effects on the body and mind, Maca has also been known to maximize an individual’s longevity.

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Could Omega-3s Supplements Help Mitigate Anxiety & Depression?

Could Omega-3s Supplements Help Mitigate Anxiety & Depression?

Are you feeling low mood, low energy, low levels of interest in all the things that once kept you happy? Anxiety disorder can make you feel alone, wrecked, and depressed. It’s a really tough thing to live with. Depression or anxiety affects one in four of us at some or the other point, but it doesn’t have to rule our lives. And while taking necessary actions may be the very last thing you feel like doing, when there exists a plenty of easy, positive steps for lifting your mood.
IMPORTANT: if you are experiencing any form of anxiety disorder the most imperative thing to appreciate is that you are definitely not alone, PLUS there is a LOT MORE you can do about it. So, stop feeling like an outcast, or stop imagining there is nothing you can do about it. These mood issues are highly treatable and that too with the help of “MOTHER NATURE”!

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Papaya or “fruit of angels” is a luscious and all-round healthy fruit. Packed with powerful nutrients as well as antioxidants, Papaya contains Vitamins A and B, flavonoids, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and carotenes. In addition, Papaya is composed of ‘papain’, an almost miraculous enzyme that assists the body internally, and hair and skin externally. Utilized as a beauty support unanimously, Papaya pulp is also employed as a indispensable constituent in a number of creams and shampoos. This economical fruit can be used as a supplement to be taken via oral route for a fine skin – and when you’re using natural form of papaya, you know that your skin is obtaining the best of skincare. Let’s take a glance at the number of ways in which you can make use of papain. Using papain from papaya extract facilitates prevention of skin problems, aging, heal acne, and much more. Here is how you can include it into your daily skincare regime. We’re discussing about Papaya, and while its pear-like exterior may not appear like much, the nutrients it holds inside can do marvels to your skin, hair and even gastrointestinal system.

Pamper Your Skin With Papain!

Papaya or “fruit of angels” is a luscious and all-round healthy fruit. Packed with powerful nutrients as well as antioxidants, Papaya contains Vitamins A and B, flavonoids, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium and carotenes. In addition, Papaya is composed of ‘papain’, an almost miraculous enzyme that assists the body internally, and hair and skin externally.
Utilized as a beauty support unanimously, Papaya pulp is also employed as a indispensable constituent in a number of creams and shampoos. This economical fruit can be used as a supplement to be taken via oral route for a fine skin – and when you’re using natural form of papaya, you know that your skin is obtaining the best of skincare. Let’s take a glance at the number of ways in which you can make use of papain.
Using papain from papaya extract facilitates prevention of skin problems, aging, heal acne, and much more. Here is how you can include it into your daily skincare regime.
We’re discussing about Papaya, and while its pear-like exterior may not appear like much, the nutrients it holds inside can do marvels to your skin, hair and even gastrointestinal system.

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Leafy Greens, Berries & Orange Juice Checks Memory Loss in Males!

Leafy Greens, Berries & Orange Juice Checks Memory Loss in Males!

Consumption of green leafy veggies, red veggies, dark orange, and berry fruits, together with intake of orange juice may be well-related to a lower risk of memory loss with time in males, based upon a study available in the November 21, 2018, online issue of Neurology, The Medical Journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
“One of the major significant factors involved in this study is that we were capable of researching and tracking such a huge group of males over a 20-year time duration, permitting for very effective results,” as told by the study researchers. “The research studies offer an additional data dietary choices may be vital for maintaining your brain health.”
The research study looked at 27,842 males with an average age of 51 years who were all health specialists. Participants were told to fill out some questionnaires regarding how many servings of fruits, veggies as well as other food products they had at the start of the study on a daily basis and then every 4 years for a total duration of 20 years. A fruit serving is measured as 1 cup of fruit or ½ cup of fruit juice. A serving of veggies is measured as 1 cup of raw veggies or 2 cups of green leafy veggies.

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Flax Seeds: The Natural Approach to Joint Pain

Flax Seeds: The Natural Approach to Joint Pain

Thank you for introducing me to Flaxseed oil capsules. Of lately, I re-injured my back (an injury that took place while playing football in the college). Though I never went to a doctor for the injury, after a slight search on internet, I figured out that I had got herniated disk in my lower back (which is referred to a condition that can crop up anywhere along the spine, but most frequently occurs in the lower back; at times, called a bulging, obtruding, or ruptured disk and is one of the most common reasons behind lower back pain, as well as sciatica or leg pain). In addition, I had a sharp pain in my leg because of, what I suppose, strain on the sciatic nerve from the herniated disk.



Adding Organic Sea Buckthorn oil into your schedule will go a long way in helping your skin from the inside out with its outstanding healing properties – and that’s what every skin type needs. HealthDiva’s Organic Sea Buckthorn Oil is exclusively used for the purpose of developing a healthy immune response, rejuvenating your skin and giving a healthy glow to your body and face. The medicinal and healing properties of Sea Buckthorn oil will keep you looking healthy and vibrant!!



Spend enough years coping with nasty-yet-“normal” period signs, such as distressing cramps that leave you laid up in bed all through the day? Periods aren’t only a hurting sensation in the ass… usually they’re also pains in the back! It’s completely normal to experience lower back pain all through your menstrual cycle, but at HealthDiva, you will understand what’s normal, corresponding to PMS and menstrual periods, what’s too much, and the ways to cope with it!

Digestive Issues?? Redirect to Triphala Therapy!!

Digestive Issues?? Redirect to Triphala Therapy!!

The festive season typically brings pleasure. Everywhere you will see sweets and temptations around; we have a tendency to eat too much and gobble at uneven times. All of these are reasons for the accumulation of toxins (Ama) in the body.
Triphala is a classic nutritional supplement and is considered the greatest and most versatile of all herbal formulations. Exactly implying “3 fruits”, Triphala contains 3 special fruits namely, Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica) as well as Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Each fruit is a strong medicine in its own way.
Triphala is most frequently acknowledged for its use as a mild bowel tonic. It is found useful in creating strong digestion by making better the process of peristalsis, and promoting regular bowel movements.
It has a unique potential to gently cleanse and detoxify the body system while replenishing and nourishing it at the same time. Thus, it’s a much better alternative than pharmaceutical drugs for supporting a regular elimination. This makes Triphala a great whole-body tonic in order to keep you balanced and well-supported through the festive season of late nights, diverse routines and dietary patterns. Triphala is most accepted for its mild laxative effects on the bowels, cleaning toxic accumulation of wastes – this ama from the system.

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